Aaaaaaand Persona 5 Royal is the best rated game of the year!
Aaaaaaand Persona 5 Royal is the best rated game of the year!
>best game of 2020 is from 2017
Says a lot about the state of the industry honestly.
How many more years of seethe is this game gonna bring?
cant believe a definitive edition of a game is goty.
jim sterling was right
>Shit "play furry cutscene" gameplay
We have fallen so far from 2019, it's not even funny.
I have it sitting on my PS4 having only beaten the first dungeon. I played and beat vanilla P5 but I don't know, those first 5 hours of tutorials really killed my motivation to replay it.
Is it really THAT good?
not this year
Cool. It was REmake 2 last year, pretty based years.
>best game of 2020 is from 2017
*best rated game of 2020
The actual best game of 2020 is from 2010
The last semester is some of the best content Atlus has made tbqh
It's from 2009.
pc port when?
doesn't come close to P4G though, unironically
>chose the little bumpkin tomboy with ADHD who was always getting her stretch and sweat on
>start 5R
>had no clue that i would ever end up choosing the polar opposite big city stacey with the long legs and blonde twin tails
both Chie and Ann are pretty special girls.
>[Falls apart after high Entia]
And P4G doesn't come close to P4. Again, unironically.
>Shoehorn Kasumi for the entire game at the point of cringe Maruki was way better introduced onto the game
>You can't even romance her
I love the game but damn.
>Literally a direct improvement to the original in every way
>Given a lower score
If you ever needed proof that game reviewers are full of shit, this is a great example.
She wasn't nearly as shoehorned as Marie. She at least got integrated into the narrative properly rather than being awkwardly tacked on.
P5fags will still tell you it isn’t normalfag shit though lmao
does it actually improve the ai? i remember specially reyn trying to chase flying enemies and getting fucked for chasing them, specially at the boss inside bionis,
Who cares if it is or not. I consider P4 "normalfag" shit who cares?
just dont do the marie bullshit and get the true ending. you can enjoy the QOL improvements and ignore Marie completely
imo she and maruki fit pretty well with the story
My problems with P4G go beyond just Marie. I think that just about every addition aside from in fusion was negative.
I never had an issue with any of the AI except for Shulk’s and Melia’s, and I think they actually did Shulk’s AI *slightly* better for DE. Melia’s still sucks though.
Too bad it sucks
This was trash too.
Any good games that actually came out this year?
Worse ffxii desu
Journos ignored it as the rightful GOTY in 2010 right at the turn of the next gen. They're doing the same thing now, at the turn of the next gen consoles.
It's fucking poetry, Xenoblade Chronicles is the true GOTY we all know it to be TWICE a decade apart.
If you have shit taste, sure.
No Straight Roads should at least get soundtrack of the year. The game was decent as long as you don't play co-op ever.
Not even the best JRPG this year L M A O
When is it coming to PC Zig Forumsros?
>Any good games that actually came out this year?
True. P5 is dogshit. Most disappointed I've ever been in a game. That's why all this Cyberpunk news doesn't phase me at all. It can't possibly be even half as terrible as Persona 5.