Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection

thoughts on the new GnG?

Attached: arthur.jpg (300x354, 21.28K)

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The franchise already peaked.

Look forward to buying it on my xbox 3 month after it releases on Switch.

It looks pretty good in still images but the animation is really bad. I don't think they had the budget for the type of style they're aiming for here.

i think the animation doesn't work with the characters designs

It looks like a living storybook, which is fitting for the game; but, I'd rather see a prior Capcom title get remade.

id rather vanillaware work on ghost n goblins

I'd rather play the psp version than this shit. Holy hell

Looks low budget but they nailed the original art style

i really, REALLY hate that art style. holy shit

Didn't people say they were gonna use RE engine for this?

I'm just glad we're getting a new game

It's been years since I played it but isn't it just Ghouls remake? It looked like the same levels

I think they had the idea with only Arthur in mind and just ran with it for the whole game, not realizing that Arthur's silly exaggerated arm-swinging run cycle that works fine with their shifting paper visuals wouldn't work for every enemy. Arthur himself looks fine but Firebrand looks kind of cheap. Kirby games managed to pull off arts & crafts visuals in the early 2010s and yet Capcom is only kind of halfway there for a 2021 game.

The way the game actually controls seems good though, I like the gameplay in the trailer. Level design snippets seem fine as well.

It is, the modified RE Engine for Switch (same one that Rise is using).

It is so cheap looking. Definitely had a tiny budget. Even the music is super, super cheap sounding.

Looking forward to it, especially if it leads to a new Firebrand game.

>Even the music is super, super cheap sounding.
yeah, Arthur's MvC3 theme sounds a lot better.
I know, platformer music shouldn't be as intense as a fighting game's, but still.

Looks kinda bad, like a flash game or animated in after effects.

Parts of it look good.
Parts of it look like shit (like the Red Arremer at the end).

Shoulda called it Ghouls n' Ghosts 'n Goblins

Is this made by Capcom themselves? Or a third party? Because it looks very western to me.

The trailer only lists Capcom, at least for now.

I thought it looked cool. Probably will be a game I save for a comfy rainy night.

The new game is going for a "whimsical" vibe and the music reflects that. Whether that's how the game should be portrayed is another story. Also comparing anything to Marvel 3 aesthetically isn't even fair, that game was just insanely good on that front. Listen to their fucking Firebrand theme:

It was part of the ransomware leak, and the leak only mentioned internally-developed titles.

Should I start with the original game, or do a home port or what?

Start with the NES one.

I think it can be successful.

Can't wait to watch pic related to do an endurance stream playing it

Attached: Lulu appear.webm (852x480, 2.64M)

Arcade version.

Nah, play the GBC port. No slowdown.

Don't listen to this user, NES one is complete dogshit. Emulate the original on MAME, then play Ghouls n Ghost on MAME and Genesis (easier version but still good fun, if you think you are not good enough with action platformers start with this one).

Then play Super GnG with the 60 fps patch on SNES and Goku Makaimura Kai on PSP (japanese version entirely different than the western one more focused on action and more in line with the original games)

die tripfag

Nope the artstyles fucked we need to go back.

Attached: Ghosts n Goblins (magyecho) online - poster.jpg (1466x1112, 396.48K)

>Korean MMO as an example of good art direction
Why the fuck did GnG/Makaimura of all things get an MMO anyway? I get MH Frontier, I get DDO, I get the Korean Mega Man one from around the same time as this, but why this IP?

Attached: 1562010623285.jpg (500x333, 21.88K)

Because Capcom threw shit at the wall and used whatever stuck in their mad dash to make gacha money.

I'm pretty sure gacha as we know it was still pretty young and not close to the level of revenues it is these days back when that MMO was made. I remember hearing about it in like 2010. It even predates Mega Man X-Over if I recall, which was one of a handful of shitshows on mobile from Capcom of that time.

Nowadays Capcom has Teppen (developed entirely by GungHo, Ryozo is a Producer on it but probably just to keep an eye on them) and Rockman X DiVE (made by Capcom Taiwan, I don't even know if there's an official western release of it yet since I'm not interested in playing it). Teppen is good though, fun mechanics and great art if you can stand some real cancerous stuff in high-level Ranked.

Attached: gngonline.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

>no maximo hd duology but old gng revival for no reason
Fuck crapcom
And if this is another gook test I hope flops

This wouldn't even be recognizable as GnG if not for Firebrand. Who looked at these games and thought it had potential for this expanded world? Almost any other Capcom IP would've been better, even other arcade games (Final Fight Online, I'd give that look if it existed).

Get some glasses then son!

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