Why were there so many video games about cartoons in the 2000's but almost zero now?

Why were there so many video games about cartoons in the 2000's but almost zero now?

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Night of 100 frights should be remastered

None worth making game about

Too much cost not enough return.

The soul got sucked out of the industry. Now everything has to be safe and sterile, with bullshit like Fortnite and Fall Guys.

2000 to 2010 was soul
2011 to 2020 is anti-soul

It all goes to mobile or facebook

Make a console game with a budget of 40,000 dollars and a 5-10 person team.

Make 5 mobile games with a budget of 400 dollars and some shoe string

Are new cartoons being made? I literally cant think of one.

farmville and mobile gaming

Mmmm yummy cheese

Because the strategy of selling low-tier licensed games for an easy buck is no longer feasible with modern development cycles. Games are too big and too expensive to the point where a game selling a million copies can be considered a flop. That's why some much of the shit announced at the game awards last night was so sterile and uninteresting. Devs need to make everything dumbed down to appeal to the masses. We will never have a Killer7 or Sin and Punishment from a major developer again. That is to say, great games that sold like shit for being niche.

surely you see how the latter is far more profitable

Nope. Chuck Testa.
2008-2010 was firmly in soulless territory, with stuff like Justin Bieber, iCarly, Fanboy and Chum Chum, Tik Tok by Ke$ha, Dynamite by Taio Cruz, Kung Fu Panda, Wall-E, Single Ladies by Beyoncé, Avatar, etc.

There are but they're either mobile games or Facebook shit. Also I guess they just don't feel the need to do so anymore.


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Animation died with Steven universe and Adventure Time.

*sniff* *sniff* IT SMELL LIKE CHEESE

Most licensed games are made for a quick buck here or there. Sometimes you get genuine gold or care with the limited budget and material the devs work with.

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It died way before that, with Johnny Test, Fanboy and Chum Chum, Chowder, and Flapjack. Steven Universe and Adventure Time are soulless, but they're actually good compared to those pieces of shit.

>Johnny Test


All the current cartoons are trash and made in flash.

Even then, how many licensed games are truly good? Or do we just compare them to other shit-tier licensed games that anything perfectly average is seen as a masterpiece? Because other then stuff that Capcom and Konami put out in the 80's and 90's, I can't think of anything truly great. At least, certainly not on the level of TMNT IV: Turtles in time, NBA Jam or Ducktales NES.

I remember circa 2005 I didn't knew much about video games and I picked up this king kong, gta SA/VC game and bully randomly from a store.
Damn, it was really great.

How is King Kong for the Gamecube anyway? I love the Gamecube and I'm always looking for something not retarded expensive to play on it.

i only played it on ps2 and 360, never on GC. Try emulating it maybe?

This. Kids play on phones and tablets nowadays, so that's where kids games usually go.

I would emulate for especially rare/expensive stuff like Cubivore but all I have for a computer is a dirt-cheap laptop I use for college. Plus, I ran out of power plugs in my setup and I don't have the space for a Wii homebrew setup, even though I know from experience it's really easy.

Harry potter years 1-3 on pc, gbc-a, and 5th amd sixth gens. Plus quiditch world cup. This is not up for debate all are 8/10 or higher. Also star wars episode 3 game was kino

I hope the SpongeBob point and click games get ported to Steam and maybe even Switch too.

Pic related first

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It was the great fall jhonny test was not a good show either, but yeah after flapjack it went down to shit.

They're on mobile now. It's cheaper.

what was once a quick cash grab ported to everything under the sun by 6 different devs for a single game is now just a bunch of underpaid indians or koreans making a mobile app. its still around, just somewhere else