TLOU2 GOTY award was indeed rigged but it isn't the first time. In 2016 Blizzard made Overwatch the GOTY despite the large amount of competition it had, the games included were the following: >Dishonored 2 >The Last Guardian >Uncharted 4 >Deus Ex >Dark Souls 3 >Final Fantasy XV >Firewatch >Titanfall 2 >DOOM (2016) >Street Fighter V >Far Cry Primal >Hitman (2016) >Unravel >Watch Dogs 2
Despite all of these games being folds better than Overwatch, it still managed to win the GOTY award in which is quite obvious how
It wasn't just riggered, the entire show was turned into a big TLOU commercial, I don't remember something so disgusting.
Kevin Rivera
You forgot yakuza 0
Jordan Myers
This. It's like people have goldfish memories.
Jayden Perry
Why do snoys, normalfags, transsexuals, etc. like Tlou1 and 2 so much? I do not get it...
Jace Anderson
It wasn't rigged user, it's just that the awards have always been determined by game journalists and tlou2 was literally designed from the ground up to tickle their non-binary balls. Same way oscarbait movies are designed from the ground up to get oscar judges to coom to them.
Cooper Morgan
Here's the funniest thing: they hate tlou2 as well. It sold a lot at launch and almost immediately dropped of 80% of the sales. This edition of the show got ruined for no pratical reason.
You mean botw, worst game to get any awards ever. Keep seething about TLOU2 though.
Easton Turner
kek, same fuck you OP
Anthony Jackson
Trannies love animal crossdressing way more, dilate.
Joshua Rivera
Who the fuck filters Zig Forums? Can you not handle it, or something?
Andrew Richardson
by your logic Animal Crossing or even Among Us should've won this year since they were the most hyped games for the entire year.
Nolan Murphy
Who the fuck doesn't filter Zig Forums?
Colton Torres
I dunno about 1, but 2 panders to them hard, and makes them feel as if everything they believe is real and totally normal, while we all know they're degenerates. It just fits the narrative being pushed this last decade.
Charles Wood
> but 2 panders to them hard, and makes them feel as if everything they believe is real and totally normal
As someone who knows almost nothing about TLOU2, in what way?
Samuel Rivera
To the LGBT it gives this "we are always the victims of homophobia" search "bigot sandwich" (yeah it's a real thing) and you'll see what i mean. This shit fuels their delusion of "we're constantly being atacked" in this century, when it's obvious that they've been nothing but the crown jewel of all media and big companies.
Justin Rogers
So is that one segment literally it?
Jose Gray
Uncharted 4 was pre-tlou2 because it was when the fucker neil kicked the actual kino direction (a woman mind you) to put the ideas of that fucking shitty anita. Like, holy shit! The new black woman is beating up the protagonist! What is it with their retarded "Make the new one beat the crap out of a certain fanfavourite of the franchise"
Justin Gutierrez
Tlou1 was very good. Tlou2 deserves to be banned. Also fuck twitter. Is there a way to nuke their houses?
Henry Baker
The Last Guardian was like 15 fps with PS3 grafix.
John Lee
does anybody even give a fuck about overwatch? the game seems like mega flop just like that moba clone they made.