Hey Zig Forums, do you have a favourite pokemon?
Hey Zig Forums, do you have a favourite pokemon?
pokemon colosseum
I like Alakazam.
Glaceon has the breeding hindquarters
All eeveelutions are good cute doggos
I would buttfuck them all
Petilil and Liligant
how can human women ever compete
They cant
They can't
Only femboys and fictional dogs like the eevees can
Women only care about being feminist masculine ugly musclefucks. Women are absolete. Can we just get rid of them?
i love this wolf
That's a male, user.
Mismagius seems like a cool friend who's into /x/ stuff.
Kommo-o, Blaziken and Delphox are pretty cool as well.
Both are cute.
Yeah sylveon but trannies like it so much that I fucking hate it now. I don't wanna be associated with trannies.
Its just an on model Lopunny without bimbo tits
It hurts.
For me, it's Buizel (male)
Fuck trannies, ruined my fairy dog
i love sylveon!
Obsessed and smoothbrained that you let others ruin what you like
She's so cute =( But all the trannie shit tainted her for now. Why do trannies always do this?
Imagine letting other people dictate what you can and cannot like
I do!
Her megaevolution should've been a regular evolution
She looks like she fucks with her trainer
Imagine hating something you love just because xyz hates it. Absolute virigin moment.
I stan femboy dog.
Many of the megas should've been regular, both for gameplay purposes and cool factor.
Fuck Gamefreak.
Idk about many. A fair amount of them have 600 bst and/or some crazy abilities.
Man the fuck up and stop being a bitch faggot.
How weak are you that you let literal whos decide what you like and hate
If pokemon were real I would catch some just to fuck them...
There's no reasoning with them user, they're already far too gone.
I think so about every one of the ones except for like the pokemons who already have three forms, it's really lame that they made it so that pokemons without any evolutions like Mawile get it, especially since the MegaEvolution design is so neat and you dont get to see it enough
Do you also happen to live in Sinnoh?
Yeah, mainly the ones that boost shitmons.
Shit like Mega-Rayquaza or Mega-Mewtwo are fucking busted.
where my regieleki fellas at
imagine being so chad you can are the only mon that can break trick room