This shit should have won Best Narrative.
If you have the gall to say you experienced a better story in 2020 then you're either a fucking brainlet or have taste that would make a septic tank smell like roses.
Or you know, you didn't play that game. That's probably the most likely answer honestly, which is a damn shame.
It's been said before but I'll say it again
Fuck them because they didn't bring it to switch or pc
Didn't have enough buff women or lesbians for the people picking the winners sorry.
Someone tl;dr me the story.
>begging for validation from shitty western journos
Why are Japanese media fans so insecure?
>If you have the gall to say you experienced a better story in 2020
Xenoblade Chronicles:DE and Persona 5:Royal
I want to have coitus with everyone on this cover
Be honest with yourself and just say Switch, Nintendofag.
I'm a PC master race guy so I only care about PC; why should I fight for shitty consoles?
>Xenoblade Chronicles:DE and Persona 5:Royal
>This shit should have won Best Narrative.
Yeah, but this was the game awards not hugo awards.