This is a 6 year old game
Graphics have truly stagnated.
This is a 6 year old game
Graphics have truly stagnated.
is that ass creed?
How did Unity manage to create like 500 npcs all roaming around in the street on previuos gen consoles while Cyberpunk can barely muster 5 npcs walking without tanking your fps to the ground?
Something something Cyberpunk's NPC's all have individual AI while AC NPC's have "group AI"
Unity had a great materials system that was basically ahead of everything else at the time.
Ray tracing would do wonders for it.
>why are those coders better than these coders?
I actually have a few dozens NPCs on my setup and it works
All these game companies are using pajeets for their labour. There's no difference.
ray tracing is a dumb marketing meme, it'll be forgotten by next year.
>500 npcs
800 actually, but only during launch weeks, then they had to reduce the crowd to 600, 500 and 300 two months later 'cause the game was shitting the bed most of the time. Fun fact: Days Gone has a half-dozen of later hordes with 1k+ zombies (one with 1.3k).
Unity looks amazing
yeah... this argument didn't age well
unironically the best ass creed
it was ahead of its time
Faceless NPCs
asscreed character models have degraded so much it's not even funny
every ubisoft game has the characters look like they're in the process of melting
It's the hair I'm most angry about
it looked so good in Unity and everything after was a fucking travesty
unity was ahead of it's time. consoles and ubisoft's inability to optimize killed, and now the graphics for their asscreed games have stagnated.
Hitman also has great crowds and the game looks good too.
we're cleary fucked in the graphics department
Back a lot of years ago, many games that looked great ran perfectly fine on potatoes. These days we have shit that cannot run all that well even on recent hardware and the graphical advancements are not equivalent to the extra demand for computing power. It feels like it's often mostly just giving devs more breathing room to let their games be unoptimized. And that's the reason why 4k dumbassery is hyped so much instead of making everyone play at 60fps on consoles (which should be the standard by now) and making 120+fps the new definition of perfect framerate. Few stupidly demanding games actually make good use of their requirements.
Not to mention these heavy graphics are often accompanied by dumb, boring and generic art direction. Meanwhile we have games like Sekiro and pic related that look absolutely great while running on potatoes, because they are made by actually good game developers.
AAA games these days are more reliant on muh cinematiks and graphiks because thats all they have. Most of them are boring, uninspired shit that have nothing to offer against smaller studios and many indies, and yet they sell anyway. Great aesthetics should be determined by your art direction and not how many millions you wasted into fancy effects.
One was made by a diverse group of women, POC and the other was made by some skinheads.
Prebaked lighting looks better than real-time lighting
However it can’t deal with interactivity or moving objects
This is why real-time ray tracing is the goal. It provides the quality of prebaked lighting, but dynamically
It looks like they're using proper hair like xgen rather than shitty hair cards
RTX is... ray tracing isn’t. Ray tracing is what is used for movie CGI, and is why movie CGI looks way better than video games
Unreal's Lumen tech looks pretty good, like a half-way point between baked and ray-traced as known from nVidia
I believe Lumen has fewer bounces, but achieves similar effect
>12 years ago
>tfw no spunky french redhead gf
>How did Unity manage to create like 500 npcs all roaming around in the street on previuos gen consoles
It didn't. It was only like 300 because neither PC nor consoles could handle it. The NPCs were also bugged as fuck and had broken animations.
>Cyberpunk can barely muster 5 npcs walking without tanking your fps to the ground?
Don't trust the memes, there are sections that are pretty crowded. Still not really impressive though, Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition had bigger crowds.
That said, if you want actually impressive crowd technology, look at nuHitman. HITMAN 2's Mumbai level is especially impressive.
Mirrors Edge is the ultimate proof that Art direction>>>>>>>>>>>Graphics
Just goes to show that art direction and a talented team are infinitely more important than whatever fancy new technology is being pushed.
I disagree user. Mirror's edge looks beaultiful but it has very photorealistic design and graphics. ME is a better exaple of how COMPETENCE and OPTIMIZATION is important when making such visuals. We could have games looking way, way better by now if AAA devs made better use of their tools.
Damn Ori looks good
Cyberpunk uses highly-sophisticated, individually-calculated AI. It blows Unity out of the water.
While I agree, I still want to point out that mirrors edge is highly stylized in its use of single colors to highlight areas and use of sterile glass and washed concrete
It has a visual clarity second to almost no other game, immediatly informing you of important points in the environment without looking unnatural
Ray tracing allows for realistix lighting in indoor environments. It's definitely not a meme. The difference between baked lighting and real time RT lighting is transformative for many games.
The problem is that it's resource intensive.
Post the mirrors edge Catalyst comparisons now
I'm not sure about that... I admit i haven't played the game yet. Screenshot looks awesome though.
For me the best example of good art direction are my two favorite sidescrollers (Feel free to call me a zoomer) : Ori and the Blind Forest and Hollow Knight. Ori is a stunningly beautiful game that looks absolutely amazing due to it's beautiful art direction and complex, entirely handdrawn backgrounds and areas with little to no copypasted assets whatsoever other than interactables. Hollow Knight looks pretty damn simple, easy and perhaps lame at a first glance, but the high ammount of polish, thought and creativity makes the game have one of the most charming and engaging worlds out there.
I fucking adore Hitman and its graphics, but the illusion of being in a crowd kinda falls apart as soon as you shoot someone in the crowd. They are all really, really dumb. Like potato dumb.
PS4 and Xbone was also around 6 years ago.
There's your answer.