Now that Y3-6 are coming to PC, he'll be back in 8 for sure right?
Yakuza Thread
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Just beat 7.
Good game. Probably best one in the series but I'm indecisive as fuck about which is my favorite because I like so many of them equally.
2, 4, 0 , Judgment and 7 are my favorites.
yakuza bros, I'm so happy we're getting the proper pc releases! now I feel like a sucker for buying yakuza 3 for my ps3.
Looks like I want have to be a consolefag after all.
thinking of buying 7; how was it?
Best Yakuza game yet
Will you play Yakuza 6 with vanilla moveset or modded classic moveset like in Kiwami 2?
Personally I tweaked it further since some new moves are better and modding it back was literally hex edit
Great game, great cast, music was so-so, Yokohama was great, bosses did feel like they were less special due to the shift to the RPG system, the RPG system itself was fun if a bit basic, and a modern day RPG set with mostly real world restrictions was neat.
I think the loss of dropkicks would prevent me from switching as it's easily the most fun part of 6 that you can't get anywhere else. As long as there's a rebalance mod instead of a full moveset swap I think I'd be happy.
i wonder if they'll do an action RPG with a party next, or a brawler.
would probably be for the best if they cut the max amount of party members down to four though.
>tfw Xbro and I get all these too
At least you mustards and us skeletons agree on one thing; Yakuza is great.
Yakuza is almost xbox exclusive now!
We did it bros!