Not one fucking award, not even best ost

Attached: Cover_Art_of_Doom_Eternal.png (258x387, 217.26K)

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it was doomed from the start

The OST was a downgrade from DOOM 2016 and worse than Hades.

>No inspiration from Sonic Mayhem's OST
Maybe if they did this?

Attached: download.jpg (207x244, 10.74K)

Too videogamey

>people finally realizing dumb eternal is overrated
thank god

unironically this
eternal stood no chance in the movie awards

i think they didn't want it to win any award because of the mortally challenged joke an the game's general "fun violent shooter" vibe that appeals more to males instead of game critics

Attached: 9x5m0k3y7nh11.jpg (680x658, 71.72K)

as opposed to the last of us 2

good, nu-DOOM is garbage