Reminder that if you're playing Cyberpunk 2077 you are contributing to transphobia

Reminder that if you're playing Cyberpunk 2077 you are contributing to transphobia.

Attached: 654616544616.png (1541x885, 1.39M)

kill yourself

you simply cannot please those with persecutory delusions

I swear trannies will become unkillable in vidya games just like children are

Brb buying 41 copies

Trannies aren't real people.

Another good reason not to play it.


Attached: E6D002C8-0846-447A-9210-1B4309A61742.jpg (1984x1081, 780.21K)

Based reverse psychology CDPR shill.


wtf I love Cyberpunk now?!

re-installing right now