Where did it all go so wrong?

where did it all go so wrong?

Attached: linkpastzelda.jpg (246x177, 11.03K)


Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. More Skyward Sword though. Even BOTW is still coping SS's art, sound effects, tone, etc. It's not right. They need a full reboot at this point going to the classic formula and style.

At ALttP

Super handholdy compared to the NES games and way too easy to cheese in comparison, while lacking dungeons as good as the gameboy games that would come after or a world as interesting as the N64 games. Thankfully the series recovered very quickly.

objectively the best zelda game

When you fetched an image and made a thread about it.

They stopped making them like the one in your pic

majora's mask was the beginning of nu-zelda, whereas oot was like lttp in 3D, mm served as the departure of the franchise, it never recovered

Zelda games gets better and better
Stay mad

Ocarina of Time abandoning any notion of exploration or combat in the overworld and instead being DUNGEONS DUNGEONS DUNGEONS
After that OoTfags would subsequently go apeshit on MM and WW for trying to fix Zelda but we then got the soulless husk of Zelda that was TP before BotW got it right a decade later