>Steam ratings keep going up
Did CDPR fix the game?
Steam ratings keep going up
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Yes. There was a patch and there will be more.
The game is fantastic and fun on PC. Its broken on the poor people 7 year old consoles that most of Zig Forums is on
They fixed the shills for their game
No idea, my update is stuck at 88% when gog is installing it..
Shill damage control, game is not even all that great if you ignore the bugs. There are better looter shooters out there
Have they fixed the shitty car npc's and police AI?
Have they fixed the garbage that is driving for the player?
Have they put rear and side mirrors to all cars now for first person camera?
Have they improved melee mechanics or you still have to walk straight with your katana into a barrage of bullets?
etc. etc.
This game is flawed on many fronts.
Don't even look at the rating on steam as being valid when you have shit like pic related.
Ignoring bugs and performance issues it really is like a 7.5/10, maybe. Not the masterpiece we were sold.
The answer is no.
Can't believe this is an AAA game releases in 2020. Anyone who says it's good are fanboys coping
It's more appropriate as a $30 early access game
>Those fucking reddit awards
Now valve is just encouraging shitposting instead of actual reviews