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I kneel.. Rat King...

he cute


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is this from cyberpunk?

Yeah it's a rat man body mod

fuck the violence
tonight we drink!

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Xhe cute.

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PS1 Ratto

ps2 game lol

what do you think?

Halo rat

dont make me do it

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why are rats a meme

Don't you dare...

why is anything a meme

Is the rat's penis circumcised?

My parents bought me a pet rat when I was like 5. After a week I decided to teach it to swim and accidentally drowned it in a bathtub. They never gifted me a pet after that.

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It's from Halo but people are dumb.


Because i wanted it.

rats have short lifespan

If you gift an animal to a kid you need to supervise him way more since kids love to pull shit pranks like this.
I remember playing with hamster at my friend's house and he decided to playfully lift it up like you can see people doing with kids just with one hand.
At some point he used too much strength and send the hamster flying. He didn't manage to catch it and fall was fatal enough to break something inside. We didn't knew that at first but after an hour hamster died because of that.
Animals aren't toys and parents who gift them to children only because kid couldn't shut up about getting one are the worst.

so do possums

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god i wish that were me


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user CATCH

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Don't throw rats.


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I LOVE Paolumu!

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Cyberpunk culture is centered around bugs. They have excuses for bugs. They recorded hundreds of thousands of hours of streamer footage of bugs. They listen to buggy music. They elect a glitchy companion as their best friend. They dress and act in T poses and buggy textures. They draw the entirety of their entertainment from bugs and glitches. They post epic gifs about bugs. They watch e celeb reaction videos in worship of totally epic and funny bugs. Their biggest event of the year involves paying full price to beta test in honor of globohomo corporate suits slave driving working class people to death. They use reddit slang like "incel" and "trolls" to refer to people who wont play buggy piles of shit. When you say "video game" they're not thinking of playing an actual video game. They're thinking of a movie. Their games are completely overrun with bugs and glitches. They worship their teleporting police force disproportionately filled with bugs and their global police force of transexual twitter users filled with degenerates. Their "men" sit around pretending "the bugs make it more interesting!" while their women sit around watching buggy cutscenes . They worship dick sliders and genitalia options and trans pride flag textures and Sandy Shores while attacking the people who actually play games before streamers and award shows with celebrities took over. Their games are filled with trannies and their music charts are topped by mumble rap. They send Hollywood celebrities to press events and celebrate when the millionaires celebrate because those celebrities are true red blooded epic gamers. They will tell you how much they hate mean trolls and how the night time neon sign meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to be retarded but the evidence speaks for itself in that Cyberfags has always been and will be a nation of bug loving glitching trannies.


How did Cyberpunk fuck up that bad?

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