based cyberpunk blackpilling people about the truth of how empty and pointless this existence is
How dumb do you have to be to do anything but get impotently mad when a game you were hyped for turns out to be shit?
It's just a game bro
Why were people still excited for this game when they started doing nothing but showing of celebrity cameos?
Isn't that always a red flag?
>this was supposed to be the future of gaming
Kek did people actually believe this
good, that's the first step to becoming based and redpilled
hopefully they'll figure out they are cattle and start recognizing the black washing of america's culture and diversity hires who are ruining everything they enjoyed
Stop making reddit threads, why isnt anyone calling you a nigger retard
I love videogames more than anyone, and I'm hyped as fuck for Elden Ring and Silk Song, but if those games both suck, I'm not going to cry and pout or anything like that. There's so many videogames out there, it'd be an opportunity to try something new
>everyday for 8 years
Sounds like bait to me. People have to learn not to get hyped for games anymore though. They never deliver