If it wasn't for them, I would have dropped this semen slurping hobby by now. How long until they capitulate and accept western intervention in their games?
If it wasn't for them, I would have dropped this semen slurping hobby by now...
ok weeb
Capcom has already been infected by Western degeneracy. The last bastion of nippon pride left in teh company is doing Monster Hunter Rise.
>How long until they capitulate and accept western intervention in their games?
Capcom is fucked. Not really westernized but their games lack depth and feel like pop music. Pretty much only FROM remains standing.
yeah, I know. Capcom is too big for their own good.
I think they like until 2025, maybe 2030.
This all westcucks can do now? Attempt to shame people for liking good things?
They won't accept it. But with Sony in california now it's being forced upon them wether they like it or not.
Outside of 1 or 2 studios, Nintendo is the only hope, and they're a corporate nightmare of a parody of their former glory.
Rise looks good so far though and more aimed at the Japanese audience. They didn't use realistic face scanned models for example.
What are you talking about literally any game touched by translators/localizers poz nip games Becuase capitalistic imperialism and xenophobia. Americans are absolute cancer to every art form they get their grubby little hands on they want to transform and change the narrative for their own interests
They can do anything they want as long as the original versions remain untainted.
*as long as they remain untainted, I don't care.
I'd say this hobby has around 5-10 years left.
Ok cuck
What does being Westernized mean exactly?
Glad I'm not the only one who has this feeling. Right now I don't even care about any game made in the west.
All sense of joy leaving your game, your color palette becomes gray and your women become ugly.
Let's hope that never happens
Fromsoft and nintendo are left but nobody knows for how long
Of all the Japanese companies those two will be the first to fall. Fromsoft is now mainstream and is working with a western writer and NoA has a long history of self-censorship
western shit is completely irrelevant other than for "breathtaking" and "immersive" experiences save maybe one thing every handful of years
it's the equivalent to oscar bait movies, no one who watches movies actually gives a single shit about them but ""critics"" jack themselves raw to how Deep and Emotional they are
2022 when vendors start pulling their games for "questionable" content
boring games made for brainless masses.
The more westernized versions sell in the west, the more they'll start to cater to them
Crapcom knows about that
Japanese games aren't weeb you dumb motherfucking irrational small brained tranny retard who should be point blanked with a sawn off shotgun off the top of the Eiffel Tower, weeaboo referred to autistic waifufags who wanted to be Japanese not chad Japanese vidya enjoyers who recognise their games as superior in every way to woke western live service shit
Capitulate? Japan is the second largest video game industry, and America is dangerously close to repeating the ATARI disaster again ...
Corporate SJW diversity wokeshit and soulless marketing board influence infesting every area of game design
I don't know much about fromsoft so you might be right but noa always existed and has always been lame but that hasn't stopped noj from being based
Hopefully never. And i agree, op, western gaming is shit; i cant stomach anything that's made outside of japan
same honestly
bring back old western devs, i can't stand these new faggots
They've basically always taken everything localizers tell them at face value and it's only getting worse. Nintendo localizers take a look at everything in a game and tell them what "won't work" during development and have been doing that for years. Others seem to do that as well, and the Capcom leaks told us that they're falling for the politically correct stuff. Sony is doing their best to police content in Japanese games regardless of whether or not they're releasing outside of Japan. From what I've been able to tell (I'm still only a couple of games into the series), Yakuza is toning down on tranny stuff, and I know for a fact that a line referencing a guy in drag wanting to give you a puff puff in DQ II was changed to something else entirely in DQ XI before it was released, and the DQ XI line is now used in place of the old one in current versions of DQ II. These are just a few examples off the top of my head, and this is without talking about Japan as a whole, which has been changing for the worse for longer than most people here know.
Basically, we've got some time left, but 1980s Japan doesn't exist anymore and modern Japan is slowly changing in a bad way. It won't last forever. I don't even know if it'll last long.
Not always, but you're mostly right. I've been a small timer in the translation industry for several years and I've met other game translators after I got into indie game TL, those that work on small games and those that work on big games, and while there are some good ones, most of them are up their own asses. You'd be depressed if you knew how many of them have to have pronoun tags on Discord and who support rewriting games because "lol this is funnier" or "This is offensive, I should change it."
NoA and NoE's been influencing game development for years. They actually review content and tell them what isn't allowed in the English versions, which means it's not allowed period since they have a "Every version is (visually) the same" policy now.