Still no Bombergirl Switch port

>Still no Bombergirl Switch port.
Come on now

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I'd port those bombergirls

Everyone wants a Switch port.

I wonder if the soundtrack is any good. I think I listened to one song at it was pretty good. Usually, Bomberman has a pretty good track record when it comes to soundtracks. The Super games, Saturn, 64, Hero, World, Generation, and even Super R had really good soundtracks. Tons of other ones had some good tunes too.

bump, for the bombergirls


>that doujin by great mosu

Jesus christ, I almost coomed myself to death.

Attached: bird.png (750x751, 760.57K)

you cant say this shit and not link a panda

almost all the bombergirls doujins have been consistent with being really good.

Nobody would buy it, coomers only want the porn and Bomberman's audience would rather it be like like the Jetters style like that launch title that came out.