Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
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They're proud of their inclusivity, fucking cdpr are a bunch of fags now. Once they release the multiplayer cyberpunk game, it's over. They're gonna sit back and watch the money roll in.
Why did they become fags?
Did they move their studio into LA or something?
That sounds like Rage 2. No homo; by the way I said that because this PC culture is too gay.
They actually do have a location their in LA lmao most likely where that pic was taken.
>black lives matter
>not a single black employee
dare I say based?
This is why you should never hire anyone coming out of a modern California/New York university in the last 10 years.
What the fuck is wrong with the united states baka if I didn't give a fuck about life I'd just murder all these lgbt faggotassniggers.
i've read that multiple times and i'm still at a loss at what it means
EVERYONE gets pozzed in the west. Rocksteady (Batman Arkham dev) fell too.
it seems Japan is able to avoid it and I hope this remains the case.
White women were a mistake
it's the basic rhethoric of the left from the past half a century: differences between races, genders, whatever must be a result of discrimination instead of differenced between said groups. which is nothing but delusion.
women in general
They did? Fuck. The Japanese overlords are our only saviours.
Japanese women draw porn and make hot characters.
White women think they're queen of the black people and feel like they have to save all minorities and shit, which is how you get all the SJW crap.
so it's not completely clear but in short
>their Harley Quinn design is disappointingly masculine (kind of like Captain Marvel)
>they made a statement about asking women about how women should be represented in their games from now on
women in general
im gonna gay pill you, fag
witcher 3 fucking sucked
I can't even get my head around "outcomes differences", that's not even proper english kek
Once a product of any kind reaches a certain level of influence, Jews in black suits visit its creators with offers that are impossible to refuse. First, they show them videos of everyone that has ever resisted them being forced to eat their own beloved family members alive, along with other horrific and unspeakable acts. Then they show them the complete roadmap for the horrific, unspeakable future that is planned for all of humanity. They offer the creators the chance to join them as shabbos goyim for all eternity, or to meet the same fate as the people in the videos. Most choose to join them.
Its a religious statement that has now come to dominate our society.
Any difference in outcome between groups (especially between racial groups) must dogmatically be assigned to bigotry causing it. Any underperforming group cannot have agency, they are always oppressed by the successful group.
This is the core to modern political discourse in a diverse modern country.
do you think cut penises look good?
Basically this, except instead of the non-sense of showing them what the future is it’s actually just handing them billions of dollars
why are women so bad at making video games?
Notice how many foids they had to stuff on the right as well while experiencing more "crunch".
Nothing matches the intellectual power of an autistic virgin male whose hellbent on one mission in life.
it has to be this. when they make an irresistibly good offer, the ultimate responsibility is his who accepts the offer.
I am hand on heart 100% genuinely disgusted and insulted by the quality of this game, i'm not even going to bother pirating it
>my political statement
thanks desu
This was covered in the "chance to join them" part. Before this, every candidate is given a personalized presentation demonstrating the true level of control that Jews have today, and thus are shown a deterministic, projected view of humanity's future and the roles of those who are never allowed to "buy in".
It should also be noted that families who "buy in" always have to sacrifice their firstborn. River Phoenix was the sacrifice for his family, for example, to ensure the "success" and silence of the rest of them. Madeleine McCann, similarly, was fed alive to the Pope.
Its weird how you can actually spot the people who are smarter and probably did 99% of the coding.
thanks for the explanation, it's still hurting my head trying to make sense of it, I think i'm just hung up of the poor syntax of it
The Witcher sucked too so this is inconclusive.
I bet the old crew who worked on the Witcher series are genuinely fucking angry that this steaming turd of a game has marred their reputation, i'd be genuinely seething
Did you just pick out the most autistic looking kids?
witcher 3 got me to doubt myself the worst. it bored me to fucking death, yet everywhere I looked I saw endless praise. I'm glad I have finally, in the past year or two, gotten affirmation that I was not wrong about the game.
They all left, probably expected this shit.
Autism is not intelligence.
There's plenty of dumbass autists who don't know what the fuck is going on.
They genuinely look more intelligent.
Its in the face type and size of their frontal lobes.