Anyone wanna explain to me why red dead 2 ran perfectly fine on my launch PS4 yet Cyberpunk is literally shitting it's panties when i try to do anything? Both games had roughly the same "development" time
Anyone wanna explain to me why red dead 2 ran perfectly fine on my launch PS4 yet Cyberpunk is literally shitting it's...
that's the thing
i bet cyberpunk got maybe 3 years and was just a total boondoggle
these people belong in jail
because rockstar is hella finna based
Rockstar isn't a bunch of incompetent polacks who's greatest achievement was a plastic medieval city.
fuck it even looks better. how does rockstar do it bros?
They're veterans bros. Their games are shit but they perform well.
Same reason why I can play RDR2 at 1440p50-60 on medium-high (with some settings like textures on ultra) on my R9 Fury but can't maintain 40 FPS at 1080p on medium-low settings in Cyberpunk.
Because Rockstar aren't utterly incompetent like CDPR.
rockstar has the money and the talent
Rockstar is the GOAT company for optimization. They are truly masters on this and there’s no other company even close of doing their wizardry.
rockstar has been making expansive, simulation-heavy worlds for decades. cdpr tried to make deus ex with an engine and development team that have making nothing more than glorified visual novels with fancy wallpaper
>cdpr tried to make deus ex
If this is CDPR's attempt at Deus Ex, then holy fucking shit did they fail horribly.
guess you didn't play GTA IV on the PC at launch.
>theyre not the best in 2020 because it was bad over a decade ago
Rdr2 on pc was also poorly optimized
you didn't say best in 2020 you said the best, period. they went through their hurdles and GTA IV was a baaad port.
RDR2 was shit on PC too at launch.
But they managed to make it run smoothly on a fucking PS4/Xbox One since day 0.
iirc GTA V was $250million on budget, take half of that for RDR2 and you have your answer
RDR2 was pretty poorly optimized on PC at launch, and even IT makes Cyberpunk look like an indie dev's game in comparison.
RAGE is the best engine in the industry really. it's a shame that rockstar north sucks at making games though and is wasting american talent
because it was made primarily for consoles you brainless niggers
It took Rockstar 2 years to release it for PC.
>Analysts at Polish brokerage company DIMBOSS believe that the budget to develop and promote Cyberpunk 2077 will be in the excess of $314 million USD
Well it's a different game and a far more visually complex one. There are shitloads of reflections to render at any given time on top of, in most areas, tons of architecture and details. RDR2 would noticeably slow down in Saint Denis, imagine the entire world of RDR2 was Saint Denis, but with even more shit. Also you just have to swallow the pill that the base PS4 is ancient hardware that will soon be incapable of powering modern games as they are intended.
It came out a year after the console versions.
Cyberpunk 2077 gives me flashbacks to launch Ass Creed Unity.
Pic related is how I have to run the game at for a (near) consistent 60 FPS.
And this is on medium-low settings, 50% render resolution, so basically 540p.
Utterly baffling.
RDR2 wasn't made by trannies
what th efuck
Did they stole all the budget?
wasn't cyberpunk announced in like 2012? this screenshot legit looks like a game that came out in 2012. funny how that works
>Flat land with literally fucking nothing but copy pasted trees
>Very few buildings
>Very few people
>Dense cities with lots of interiors which means lots of polygons in closed space
>Lots of buildings going up vertically
>Crowds of randomly generates NPCs
I don't know user you may be into something. Maybe next you'll declare that Skyrim is better looking and better designed. If you'd like I could make a gigantic flat plane in UE4 and let you walk around it in FPS mode and you'd get some good performance on your old ass console that was already outperformed by mid tier pc hardware 7 years ago.
...wouldn't your comparison make Cyberpunk run even better then? You know how video games work... right? Having buildings hide far away shit all the time helps with rendering and culling.. making things smoother... are you retarded?
The exteriors in Cyberpunk have a lot more detail, as in more polygons. Even if you use techniques where shit isn't rendered unless you're looking at it, the whole city has a lot of minute details no matter where you look.
Cope. Game looks, runs, and worst of all, plays terribly, get over it
What interiors? Aren't most of the buildings the usual bullshit that don't let you enter them?
Because cdpr is run by incompetent trannies that does not know shit about optimization
RDR2 is empty.
>Being poor and having shit hardware
I mean interiors as in the bars and special locations and tunnel walkways. If you walk around on foot you'll find a bunch of knooks and crannies to walk around in and climb.
rockstar unironically draws out the most from consoles
>gta 5 on xbox 360
>rdr 2 on ps4
Whatever is coming out for the ps5 is going to be what Cyberpunk wishes it was, if they ever decide to move on from gta online.
An empty field with five shacks and some trees is easier to render than a massive city, incel. Still runs fine for me though. After that latest patch I can even use RTX in the daylight with a decent framerate.