Do you like the trend of vidya using real people's facescans?

Do you like the trend of vidya using real people's facescans?

Attached: aerith.webm (1000x697, 1.73M)

Another argument in favor of anime is more white than japanese.

I do when it gives me more material to fap to.

I don't like it but that girl is cute af
10/10 would marry

I get to jack off to Hayden Panetierre getting fucked in the ass

Attached: 1593371273879.jpg (2200x1155, 234.57K)


Attached: 1589810464008.jpg (598x845, 40.82K)

Is that Stephanie Jewsten

That last poster is right.

Anyone have those edits of Aerith with her hair down?

>tranny trying to take chockers away from hetero women
I'd say I'd kill the fag but very high odds he does it for me

Attached: 1607276729969.png (698x753, 500.82K)