Play Fallout 4 now.
Play Fallout 4 now
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Which fallout game is the one with the bikini girl?
imagine how bassy the baritone of her farts must be
fallout 4 is boring no matter what fucking mods you have on there. same as fallout 3, you can't fix a stupid incoherent story.
No, go to hell.
Are you some kind of brainlet?
Do people actually like this or it is memes?
Confirmed Low T with just one post
So do people really do this to their game? After you're done jerking it, what's the point?
>After you're done jerking it, what's the point?
You're done.
Yeah but I have to buy it first to coom
Those cheeks are probably sweaty as hell.
after you done jerk off, you uninstall or close the game for days or weeks untill your horny again duh.
Probably a better rpg than Cyberpunk at this point.
>destroyed entire towns
>replaced people with synths
>created supermutants with those people
>synth gorrilas
>just read these demands to the commonwealth bro, we totally aren't villains
>"you wouldn't understand"
Its pretty coherent desu, if you sided with anyone but the Brotherhood, you are a certifiable idiot.
but that's disgusting. if you have a cuter, more-proportionate butt, then you should post it in order for me to want to play it
Still trying to figure out the source for the fishnet mod.
Ok im going to buy it now
Americans, aka mutts.
I did. I just finished nuka world. It's honestly not the kind of game I'd play more than once.
>used goods simulator
no thanks roastie
No point in Coomifying Fallout 4 when the sex mods still suck
what the fuck, why???
Ass genuinely too big.
Already did
better than cyberpunk I guess
are all modders colorblind?
What did he mean by this?
I want to impregnate Ada. What mods let me impregnate Ada?
bethesda havent made a good story since morrowind. if you play bethesda games for the story you are fucking dense.
one of the best VR games ever IMO