quick-time events don't count
Do any games do gunplay like this?
I'd ask on /wsr/ but they don't mention anything about asking about video games in the sticky
gunz the duel
double action boogaloo
Do any games allow you to physically manipulate the gun in someone else's hand to make them miss?
>that circle run
holy shit that was so silly
none that i know of brah
In VR.
I think that might be a next step for multiplayer shooters.
What the fuck, isn't that illegal?
law-wise or racing-wise?
Racing wise.
pavlov, you can even pull their mags and take their holstered shit.
>csgo silver.webm
No Zig Forums is the right board, only Zig Forums has that anti request autism.
They end the battle with a kiss
That's literally just Bayonetta vs Jeanne
I saw a webm of a dude in a VR game taking an enemies gun to show him how to use the bolt so maybe
This movie was pretty shit, but damn if it wasn't a fun pile of shit.
>MMD cup is dead
>OP's video is close to a decade old
fuck man i wanna go back
The old Matrix game
John Woo presents: Stranglehold
DMC cutscenes and gunslinger style in 4 I suppose
>console aiming
That was a good movie
How'd it die?
This is actually pretty gay and I wish they'd just be fucking.
Probably when vocaloid shit stopped being popular.
Max payne mod
Superhot VR
pistol whip kinda
yeah guys career died after that