Do any games do gunplay like this?

quick-time events don't count

Attached: 【7th MMD CUP】Equilibrium -Runaway-【Dramatization】.webm (640x360, 2.28M)

I'd ask on /wsr/ but they don't mention anything about asking about video games in the sticky

gunz the duel

Attached: 1604759343007.webm (800x450, 2.76M)

double action boogaloo

Do any games allow you to physically manipulate the gun in someone else's hand to make them miss?

>that circle run
holy shit that was so silly

none that i know of brah

Attached: moto2.gif (262x255, 1.16M)

In VR.

I think that might be a next step for multiplayer shooters.

What the fuck, isn't that illegal?

law-wise or racing-wise?

Racing wise.

pavlov, you can even pull their mags and take their holstered shit.

>csgo silver.webm

No Zig Forums is the right board, only Zig Forums has that anti request autism.

They end the battle with a kiss

That's literally just Bayonetta vs Jeanne

I saw a webm of a dude in a VR game taking an enemies gun to show him how to use the bolt so maybe

This movie was pretty shit, but damn if it wasn't a fun pile of shit.


>MMD cup is dead
>OP's video is close to a decade old

fuck man i wanna go back

Attached: 1409865147218.gif (373x320, 1.19M)

The old Matrix game
John Woo presents: Stranglehold
DMC cutscenes and gunslinger style in 4 I suppose

>console aiming


That was a good movie

How'd it die?

This is actually pretty gay and I wish they'd just be fucking.

Probably when vocaloid shit stopped being popular.

Max payne mod
Superhot VR
pistol whip kinda


yeah guys career died after that