Back 4 Blood

What do we all think of the Back 4 Blood Official and Gameplay trailers? I haven't seen a relevant discussion, yet.

Keep in mind, this isn't just some "generic zombie co-op game"; it's THE zombie co-op game, developed by Turtle Rock Studios. They created Left 4 Dead, for all the new gamers out there, before Valve bought the rights.
The guns seem a little quiet and the common virus-ridden (rather than Infected, they're called Ridden) need to sound more animalistic and scream more; the survivor lines do sound a little cheesy, but that one guy's death scream, for example, is quality that the horror genre across film and games is severely lacking. Left 4 Dead 2's voice acting, as far as being convincing, is lackluster. I don't believe the survivors are DYING, save for Ellis, maybe.
This game has a LOT of potential. Especially considering it's in pre-alpha and it's by the people who came up with the idea in the first place.

What do you guys think?

Attached: back4blood ogre death scene.png (1366x768, 1.44M)

Other urls found in this thread:

link to the gameplay trailer

Sorry for the quality of the screenshot- my laptop is a piece and kept shifting to 720 and 480 while it was playing.

>less gore
>less zombie density
>can't make out survivors from zombies
>the gigantic zombie looked pathetic and didn't feel like a tank-tier threat that made you shit your pants
>special infected have awful desigbs


I also saw some behind-the-scenes stuff, and B4B is taking advantage of MoCap for the Ridden, as well as survivors.

The concepts of original L4D Infected are still alive with a Spitter/Hunter spider-like humanoid monster, a Flood-style "Boomer", and others.

I really hope there will be a loyal community, especially for the workshop, since this will be on Steam and therefore PC. L4D2 is amazing and kept well-alive due to content creators. I'm sold on this, and I'm sure many of my friends I've met over the years on L4D2 feel the same.

It would be helpful if there was more distinction from players vs zombies, yes. But I'm sure our names will hover above our characters, like in many other games.
Is there really going to be a loadout? That does suck, because I like being able to choose my weapons on the fly. Perks, I can maybe deal with, but I would play TF2 if I wanted classes.

The giant thing is apparently called an Ogre but it would step on a Tank without seeing it. Nothing will beat the theatrical score for the Tank, tho. That song is pure "oh shit."

As for the gore and density, it's a reveal trailer, so I'll cut it slack.

looks thoroughly unexciting, which doesn't bode well. maybe they'll improve it in 6 months and it turns out it's fun to play, but these are some shit first impressions and it doesn't seem to have enough to distinguish itself from it's predecessor

First impressions are really important, but seeing as how we haven't had anything new in L4D aside from The Last Stand update (granted, it's a lot, but about 10 years too late), I'm willing to play this one and I'll be following it closely. Gonna try to get in on that Alpha playtest.

lol who gives a shit when we have Evil Dead

My thoughts exactly. It doesn't look like complete shit, but it's not something I can get hyped about either.

I'm also so tired of the whole concept of a ragtag team of quirky survivor and similar groups. Why is it so rare with zombie games where you play as an organized military or police unit? The only real games I can think of are early Killing Floor 1 and Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City, where the first basically didn't have a story and the latter was complete shit so it didn't matter anyway.

I’m stoked for the Alpha. I got in and got two extra codes for my friends too. The gameplay looks fucking awesome, I don’t even care what cynical Zig Forums Negative Nancies think. Alphabros where you at?