Unironically blunder of the century. One of the most hyped games in years and a huge portion of fans can't even play it.
Unironically blunder of the century. One of the most hyped games in years and a huge portion of fans can't even play it
oops wrong pic
at least i can make a hot shemale in it
NMS didn't have the same hype as Cyberpunk
i could run it just fine, i7 10700k and 3080
refunded it after 3 hours
just don't be poor
I'm done with CDPR after this shit show. It is unacceptable the state they released this on the Sony PlayStation 4. I don't care if it runs well on PC, they should be designing the game around the majority hardware, not for the few neckbeards with £3000 PC.
plays great on my ps5
Fallout 76 is worse.
Seethe consoleturd
maybe people should stop worshiping games they haven't played yet as the second coming of christ
the problem is unironically being too popular
you have to please every single fucking retard instead of a smaller player base with specific demands
Maybe not, but it had a lot of hype.
This was an intentional cashout. They decided they wanted to sacrifice their reputation for one last big payoff. They decided it was worth it. This was the last CDPR game.
exactly,don't be nazi.
I am a 3090 owner, and I came here to laugh at poor eurofags like you. Thank You. I have become unsufferable to my friends because I am unhappy even with the most powerful Gaming GPU you can get and this peasant talk is chicken soup for the soul. How must you suffer...
>I am a 3090 owner
Post proofs.
>huge portion of fans can't even play it
more like a huge portion don't even want to play it
i could not believe there was actual hype for this game. Linus Tech Tips did a video looking at the home PC of several of his employees and 3 of them said "I just upgraded for Fallout76"
prigkfjw8ogj3[d????????????????? WHY??? It Didn't look like SHIT to you? Especially after the Garbage fest that was Fallout4????? i just dont get people sometimes
Maybe I should look into getting a job as a corporate shill like you. Seems like it pays better than I thought.
A tonne of people are reporting consistent crashing on PS5. If it runs perfectly for you on the console then you're in the minority.
Hardly. Nobody was excited for that game outside of a few Bethesda tards and even then the gap really isn't that large.
Even if the game is fixed, it's just... empty. Not even gonna lie, gta V is way ahead of this garbage
Eat shit consoletard lmao
It runs like garbage on PC as well. I made the mistake buying Witcher 3 on release, tried to fix the damn thing and in the end asked for a refund on steam which was denied because i spent several hours troubleshooting it. I won't give CDPR a penny.
even on PC it's not good
That's a marketing problem, not a product problem. They sold us another game than the one we got.
how can they be fans if they can't play it? were they fans of the marketing?
>huge portion of fans can't even play it
Shouldn't be on an unsupported OS, then. Windows 8, 8.1 and LTSB N 2016 build 1607 are banned.
>were they fans of the marketing?
Are you knew to the gaming community? This happens all the time. People get married to a game before it even comes out because they get caught up in the marketing.
>are you knew
They even let me move my vacay last minute when it got delayed that one last time. Got 10 days off just to play.
fuck you it's early in the morning
I meant CDPR fans, fans of the developer who had an interest in this game. Of course, I have no doubt that a bunch of normalfags and consumers branded themselves fans of a game they hadn't played as well.