
So I'm playing the game on a dualboot PC and at the beginning so far it's running at a stable 60fps on ultra in Windows 10, and in Windows 7 it runs at like 10-20fps with the same settings. What's up with that?
Also Windows 7 has no full screen option. Only windowed and borderless windowed.

Attached: 1607786521293.png (1010x885, 1.06M)

Windows 7 is an unsupported operating system. What are you on about?

EOL for Win 7 was a while ago

>Windows 7
Shit is that why I'm getting such low FPS?

But that's not what it says on the gog page

Attached: works.png (1245x1056, 747.11K)

He is probably one of the faggots that daily made threads
>Why haven't you switched yet? Just deal with the spying!


>100% of your money goes to cd projekt group
ass magic

I run an old lts build of 10 and the game won't even start for me. maybe it's not the OS but I tried everything else and no dice

>LTS build of 10
Come on user.

Play it on W10 like a normal person and shut the fuck up.


I have a lowly 1060 6GB but going from ultra to low yields at most maybe 10, if not on average 5 fps in this one npc packed alley I have my save at.
doesn't feel like the options even change much.
maybe a 3-5fps boost when setting the dynamic resolution to 50% (which in my case I'm already playing at basically 720p so 360p)

fuck you I hate windows 10, what reason does it have to run better on it?

Looks like I struck a nerve.

that's a nice ass

>Windows 7
do people really?

You can always play solitaire.

Based win7 poster.

you sound like a fag and your shits all retarded

Because W10 is a much better operating system?

Anyone know how to get my pc back to windows 7? I downloaded windows 10 recently but it runs like shit on bricks

same here (gtx 1080), I get shitty fps scenes constantly and switching to lowest settings gives me a 3fps boost

So you're running a ryzen or unsupported intel chipset?

I can't keep playing this because I get too turned on by being called a bitch and cunt when I play my female V.

Attached: 322270_209442909120365_1893514772_o.jpg (546x732, 68.8K)

Kek. Playing on Linux with Valve Proton should be better than that.

Right back at you.

it's better at running games? how?

It actually runs modern games for one.

Are you retarded?

Either a mistake (less likely) or that they couldn't give an actual fuck about fixing W7 support (they lied) considering that the released game is buggy as fuck and looks like an early beta with cut content.

Regardless, the support for Windows 7 has ended. There is no reason to use W7 anymore except for legacy software.

Newer/better APIs, proper DX12 support, W7 is EOL so basically no large company makes an effort to support it.

Literally look at OP. lol.

i5 4690k

That would be W7 fags who complain 10+ year old OS can't run current gen games.

This reminds me of the XP boomers refusing to switch to 7 and complaining about nothing working.

yeah but why do you think that's because of the OS and not bad devs? games that support windows 7 properly don't actually run better on windows 10

How's your OC and what's the CPU use like at those settings? I had given up on the idea of playing modern open-world games because of the CPU.

Bet it's the same people.

If CDPR states that the game can be played on Windows 7 then that should be the case. It isn't. What the hell are you even on about?

W7 doesn't support current gen APIs. It's not the devs fault.

How did you even make it to this fucking board if you cannot figure out how to deal with an OS?

>pathetically clinging onto an outdated operating system even though literally all important Windows 7 functionality was carried over into 10

I literally just built a new PC for this game.

Was playing it on Win7, i7-2600k, 16GB RAM, GTX 1080, and SATA SSD 860 QVO. Was getting like 20 FPS on average, frequently crashing every hour, and the initial braindance sequence was chain crashing my system.
Now on Win10, i9-10850k, 32GB RAM, the same GTX 1080 (no cards, lol), and NVME SSD 970 Evo+ and it runs fucking smooth, all settings on full. Except raytracing, of course. Hitting 30+ in crowded city, 40+ interiors.
1440p btw.

>New good! Old bad!

>being forced to use the cancer that is Windows 10 to play games
Feels good being a console peasant (no, Im not buying this game until it gets out of beta)

If your PC can't run windows 10 it's absolute trash and might as well be thrown away. More likely you're just a little contrarian bitch pretending windows 7 is somehow superior.

never OC'd and yeah open worlds run like shit on it, I just reached the open world part in cyberpunk and it's unplayable

It runs on W7 doesn't it? It doesn't run well because W7 is bad but it does run so they didn't lie.

wow, 30+

>Old good! New bad!

>30/40 fps
>runs fucking smooth