
ユニffiyni妖精図書館fairi play for cute&dreamy thoughts and emotions。 sweet magic of fairy world(art studying)
everyfairi is cute yay^(do not worry)(in some yay classic fairies or pixies from mythology may be not yay :c like you eat cake and fairy can take it away (not yay:c) and say that it is her cake now, but it was a cake that your fairi friends baked for your birthday and now it is very sad(for everynyan)... yay... in the past i just tried to write posts more sparkly in fairi language but it was actually kind of sad for me truly and like i cried a lot qwq because there were many replies that this game is kind of not a serious project and may be even something not dreamy :c which is not true at all so it was ultra sad and i stopped posting because of it...
so do not worry like you can always try and yay again(yaaay)^

it’s okay if you don’t feel happy or positive about things somedays, your feelings are completely yay!!
you are gonna be yaaay truly(yay) be understanding and kind, do not let anynyan invalidate your feelings, you will always be cute fairi)^
So it’s a bit strange at first but suddenly everything is cute and and yay。

(Gameplay's core is perfecting world by imagination and cute magic)

..A new shop was built in the fairy academy It was a very grand, beautiful shop with white walls and a pink pointed roof. The faeries looked in the windows to see what kind of shop it would be. Everynyan thought it would be a jeweller’s shop. But then one day, a delicious smell came from inside.
“It’s a cake shop^ yaay!”
cried the chocolate pudding fairy.
cried the raspberry fairy
The faeries were very happy about the new shop。yay^
^being a cute yuni fairy is a core of the game (yaaaay)
so i hope like everyfairi and pony will be able to make the world more dreamy with it by artstudying and being a fairi...^


Attached: candyyy.png (668x706, 445.9K)

Other urls found in this thread:


yaaaaaay educational academy for learning cute magic as a fairi but also an infinite sandbox and fantasy exploration but there is also some mini games where you can gain coins and spend them on cute magic spells / creating fairy blocks or fairyshop economy/ flowers and fruits ..
^like this game it is ultra dreamy and fairy worlded game but it is ultra legit project for everyfairi for studying cute magic in academy and create cute fantasies and worlds and even more sparkly inspirations and cute pastels...sorry it is just hard to describe without sounding funny but the game is yay truly and ultra dreamy and cute 。

Attached: yuny^.jpg (191x263, 7.71K)


Attached: fynifairyay.jpg (355x337, 30.24K)

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Attached: fairi_cutemagic^cathedral.jpg (482x603, 78.24K)

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Attached: fairi_pastel_bunny(cute)_(yay).png (868x1257, 273.61K)

fuck you nigger I'm fasting



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Sauce me senpai


cute yay


Got anything else?

yay! frufi!



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Is this thread a schizophrenia simulator?

yay ^^

cute magic


>he doesn't have multiple crippling mental illnesses
wtf are you doing here, then?