Why aren't you playing Cyberpunk right now, Zig Forums?
The latest patch fixed EVERYTHING.
Why aren't you playing Cyberpunk right now, Zig Forums?
The latest patch fixed EVERYTHING.
Because I still have standards.
Because the game is bad even without the technical issues
the engine can't handle gta3 level world complexity
No patch is going to fix this piece of shit. Releasing it in this state was a money grab. Nothing more, nothing less.
hard pass
Because I don't believe you
ill wait a year until they iron out all of the bugs and what have you
and maybe attempt to fix AI issues, add some salons and other basic needs that even TW3 had
at this stage beta testing is understatement, you're alpha testing
PC bros how can I change the button layout to playstation?
Shitty quadro m1000m cannot handle new game nor do I have any spending money to buy the game
it broke my copy
how the fuck do you move between rows and columns to select the right ones? Utter fucking piece of shit I swear
Wait 1 year for first dlc i m sure they fix enough for that time game is really good btw just broken beyond believe
I swear it fixed EVERYTHING...
No, just no. It's too little too late. They had 8 years.
The fact that aggroing an enemy means they never disengage really puts the game off for me
You gotta be smart and start from a position which will allow you to select all the tiles you need once, sorry brainlet.
good thing the tutorial didn't explain it
Are your retarded?
You missed the entire point dummy
You can only pick one number in whatever row or column you’re on (the darker shade) and then whatever number you pick you have to select from the row or column it unlocks (the lighter shade shows the next selection of numbers)
>Are your retarded?
been killed from turrets that were agrro to me, i got so far away from them the wall despawned and the laser was tracking me down the street
It most definitely does
>8 Years
Truly never surprising to see the same dumb niggers post this shit.
Little life tip for you, child. CGI concept trailers are not indications of development.
Get educated.
This. People need to understand this. The game gets nothing right.
Waiting for it to be on sale for $20 in a few months (which it will), and waiting for mods to fix the game - like third person, and remove bullet sponge.
Did it add any activities to do in the open world?
the braindance segments are so fucking boring, main quest is abysmal and gigs are braindead.
fuck this game
>CGI concept trailers are not indications of development.
This is big if true...Gonna check this one.
But it did slow down and hold my hand, taking me through every step multiple times and then tell me "good job"
you can just use a VPN to get it for $30 now, most of Zig Forums did.
They shouldn't have teased the game years before they started truly making it then. They hyped this shit up crazy when it's just the same old open world experience but with less to do and more bugs
The brain dance segments are agonizing in how long they take to finish
>and remove bullet sponge.
Bullet sponge makes sense in this though, most people you fight are cyber enhanced in some way or another.
>Pay Viktor the 21k upfront
>Then talk to him afterwards, paying him 21k again
Did the game just scam me or was V already floating a 21k debt with the guy?
Still looks and runs like shit on the ps4/xbox one
If anything I have seen more bugs with the latest patch
I am and I'm having fun.
All the reddit tourists in this thread are seething because they can't accept that it's good on pc.
i don't recall this
but I'm not a brainlet and figured it out myself
I got bored. Might come back to it in a few months
in terms of story/theme, Fallout is a much better cyberpunk,
in terms of gameplay, GTA is a much better cyberpunk.
im sorry they didnt cater to the Zig Forumstard audience and make it an isometric menu fest with giant 32x32 inventory grids and crafting.
to an extent yes but headshotting people 5 times is kinda retarded
I really love how all the vital shit you need blends right into the environment. Fucking garbage game
>The latest patch fixed EVERYTHING.
Did it add actual roleplaying elements?
Did it fixed the horrible AI?
Did it added more romances?
Did it fixed the horrible police system?
Did it fixed the short story?
Did it fixed the constant 20 same npcs everywhere?
Did it fixed the horrible traffic?
Did it fixed the awful gunplay?
Did it improved crowd sizes?
Did it add barbershops?
Did it add more shops in general?
And many others.
It's not just the the performance, the game is a combination of mediocre half assed features.
Fucking WITCHER 3, 5 YEARS AGO, had more romance options than this supposed "immersive rpg"
Fixed most of the things you listed
About ten hours in, enjoying it and not getting any bugs/crashes at all. It doesn't feel as next gen as I hoped though, more like a mix between Bethesda Fallouts and GTA. The level of polish is really lacking, but the scale of the city is amazing even if it looks blocky at distance. I can understand why people are disappointed, but if you're older than 12 and still falling for bullshots and marketing hype that's your fault.
No it fucking didn't and you know it.
It was a performance patch that fixed some bugs and quests.
i used a vpn to get it for $0 lol
Because bugs apart it hasn't accomplished what they advertised their product was set out to do, so it's a failure not worth playing.