ITT: nostalgia
Zoomers need not apply
ITT: nostalgia
Other urls found in this thread:
zoom zoom, faggot
>Windows 7
How did these boomers function with a full fucking desktop?
It just werks
Shut the fuck up faggot
Fuck off.
What music players do you guys use nowadays? I am using Clementine but its kinda buggy and laggy. I am debating reinstalling winamp.
buy a 2nd monitor
VLC. It just werks.
MPC-HC or windows media player
>aoe conqurers
Is your workflow heavily impeded if you aren't staring at your miku wallpaper? Do you never go into folders? What kind of retarded logic is this?
MusicBee is by far the best. 15 years ago I would have said Winamp.
>forgotten hope
holy based
Foobar 2K
I feel like I'm the only cunt who was obsessed with this game. It had weird N64 Doom graphics.
>mfw I'm still using winamp in 2020
>that paper ripping sound
>Windows 7
other than that it's fine
I still use it to this day.
I played all sorts of boomer games growing up because I had an elder brother.
>His waifu doesn't help him concentrate
What a gay.
You used it, right user?
>Zoomers need not apply
>Windows XP
>The Zoomer
>XBox 360
come on now, anons.
I still use winamp and ICQ
>get back to pc from making lunch
>msn message from clan buddy who was gen x almost boomer
>one message
>where in my case do I find the hard drive
>12 minutes ago
>message back
>help him out
>play day of defeat later that day
Dreamcast is not zoomer retard. Even older zoomers were 2-3 when it came out and unconscious.
Unironically Spotify. Stopped fucking around with foobar a decade ago and never looked back
My desktop still looks like this lol
You fuck off schizoid spammer.
Halo came out in 2001 though.
Is this bait, zoomer?
Using this machine every day.
That red alert logo really gets to me
That guy's fucking based.
Unbelievably based.
This was the shit