Unkillable, inimitable. Its longevity is a testament to the boundless creativity its engine allows

Unkillable, inimitable. Its longevity is a testament to the boundless creativity its engine allows.

This is a contender for the greatest game of all time.

Attached: MeleeBoxart.jpg (250x349, 40.58K)

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Super Turbo is older and better.

Metagame episodes 4-6 are about to premier on Twitch once they're done fucking around in a voice call for no good reason

Official Doc thread?

When do they start, they are gonna shoo away fewers wanting to watch it and tuning in on time.

It's starting LITERALLY right now.


I hope tonight is more pp and mango kino

Kinda feel bad for the guy that made the doc desu, nobody really cares on social media. He's not gonna make much money off of it, which is a shame. I have no idea how so many people hyped the first one and now kinda don't care what this guy has done apart form watching it once live on twitch.

But also fuck the melee community for their tranny love.

based af

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The most tragic part about this is the spawn of new doc kids that will now view Armada as the forever 2nd guy when he fucked everyone 2015-2018 in the ass but it won't be covered in the doc. What a shitshow, Mang0 had enough dickriders already.

are you sure the other eps wont mention that? lol they have to build up the narrative.

Literally no way. Armada's brand is about to be fucked in my opinion. THe Doc was finished like 2 years ago, no way they went further than 2015.

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Armada had a good win streak until he retired in 2013 too, shouldn't that at least be covered?

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Yeah but people won't give a fuck, they will see him as the guy clearly below Mang0 when in 2020 it couldn't be further from the truth. He'll be shown winning like 3 tourneys in the entire thing.

Huge meme.
It was great for its time, but its extreme jank at high level.

guess they have to make a 2015-2020 one next

>Hey lets include these thots that never literally ever were relevant at the game on a competitive level or really know any of the top player in a game sense way but we included women yey!

>sweden full of cucks
lmfao what a surprise

it's his sister dude

I am talking about the turbothot Jisu and fucking Chelly talking about top level melee

oh they should be raped

Armada is an egomaniac that quit because Leffen was fucking him too hard in the ass during that last year and he wanted to quit before the next power rankings came out. Many such cases!

Nah, it was because people figured out Peach in general and he was too lazy or unmotivated to grind Fox to the extend everyone else was.
I do agree he quit out of fear to an extend though.

>Nah, it was because people figured out Peach in general and he was too lazy or unmotivated to grind Fox to the extend everyone else was.
And yet he still acts like he is the greatest melee player of all time, and that he could still beat all of the current top players and for this, he is a faggot.

He probably still can though. He's the best to ever touch a controller.

I don’t get it. The #savesmash stuff should’ve made this doc more relevant then ever. Instead all Nintendo related fan projects are dying.

>And yet he still acts like he is the greatest melee player of all time
He is.

Yeah, there should be 200k viewers. I think they blew all their relevance and spotlight on freemelee and now people are kinda over it, that's just the way it goes.

I didn't even know this was airing yesterday and today

When he was already losing his edge during 2018 and when the top players have had 2 years of practice on top of the last few months of nonstop rollback practice? Absurd. He would get assfucked in the same manner as Hbox is.

You really think fucking IBDW would fuck him? The only reason you see these irrelevant fucks other than N0ne and Zain do well is because literally everbody else is gone. The relevant players from 2015 are still in the top 20. Kill yourself. Armada literally went to one of the summits after not playing for a year and fucked everyone in friendlies.

what did i miss?

It’s weird. #bringbacknationaldex lasted for months. With this loss in momentum I don't think people will reference it past January

>You really think fucking IBDW would fuck him?
naw he would fuck his mom

i hope axe is in the doc. he won a major with fuckin pikachu and he was extremely nice when I saw him at a tournament once.

Absolutely not happening, by the point he did this the doc was literally already finsihed.

Holy shit, Mang0 was based.

>PP was a simp
Now it all makes sense

fuck of course it was a bitch -_-

All the effort that went into "freemelee" and propaganda on everyone hating Nintendo, yet all it took was a Smash character reveal to completely revert it. Pretty fucking embarassing all things considered

Are we talking about ST or Melee?

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>Players that still actively play the game since 2015 are good
Of course they are?? If they play the fucking game then they'll do well. If you want a case study of what happens when you don't play the game while everyone else is advancing the meta, then look at Hbox. The fucking hack loses to a lower and lower ranked player every single tournament he enters these days.

>You really think fucking IBDW would fuck him

It's hilarious that you defend Armada when he talks such a big game and insists that the game is the same as it was in 2018 while he actually avoids doing even exhibition matches with people when it's never been more accessible to do something like that with rollback. He might play the odd game vs. someone he knows is nowhere near as good as him but he won't under any circumstances play vs. actual PGR ranked players currently cause he knows his fantasy world would fall apart immediately.

the music made it

kill yourself

kek why isn't Hbox owning the irrelevant players like Ginger if people aren't getting better really fast then??

>grown men playing pong

This. Not just that but point the hypocrisy out to Hungrybox and he deletes your comments

Armada is so goddamn boring and he’s a weenie for quitting.

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They were like 22-23. College-aged is perfectly fine for beer pong.

ending to ep 3 with ppmd at pound was kino

These are the people that convince us Melee is a perfectly fine not piece of shit game so long as you use the best characters in the game fucking lmao. Mario Party 5 is better than Melee

What the FUCK does Armadas dad work that the whole family can just travel to the US and do a 2 week road trip for basically a hobby? There was no money in it at the time whatsoever. And he had 7 other siblings too. Blows my mind.

Ultimatefags who hopped on the bandwagon cause of their shitty ass online think they can have their cake and eat it too, so no shit the movement will not go anywhere. Plus you have basedboys like Hbox and Leffen saying Nintendo is a fucking shit company and then turning around doing a basedface clickbait reaction image the second DLC is announced. This was totally hopeless lol

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This one goes up to like 2015-16ish right?
Odds of the last or second to last ep ending on Apex 2015?