how come everyone i meet in this game has such a bland, passive, avoidant personality
i'm used to gamers being banter-y and maybe a little toxic within reason but everyone in this game is like, pathologically wholesome, you can't even rib them a tiny bit, they shut down immediately
That's ever Modern MMO. Those are just the kind of people that play the genre now-a-days. The rowdy people are either playing classic or have moved on.
Josiah James
>banter-y and maybe a little toxic within reason That's punishable harassment in this game
Luke Bennett
Hudson Allen
>That's ever Modern MMO. Those are just the kind of people that play the genre now-a-days. Why though? >The rowdy people are either playing classic or have moved on. Moved onto what?
Michael King
I dont even have the general tab open so not like it matters lmao
Christian Torres
Scared of the B&hammer
Jace Garcia
>Moved onto what? Mobas or battle royales or whatever trend came after that
Charles Gray
You pretty much can't say anything in game chat without getting banned.
Noah Moore
Sorry Aussie's are a hate group now.
desu I like the FFXIV community
Aiden Wood
>Why though? I know the whole 'anti-social mmo player' is a meme but it's 100% a huge part of the mmo crowd these days. If I had to guess it's because most of the more talkative people all left as they are disappointed with the genre at large. I'm in the ashes of creation discord that has a lot of self proclaim 'oldschool mmo' players, and most of them don't play any mmos right now because they just can't find any that they like. All that leaves are the anti-social more casual players which the industry has been catering to, since they tend not to switch off to other games and buy premium items more. >Moved onto what? From my experiences just other video games, or are just waiting for Ashes of Creation. But I guess it could just be anything besides the big 4 MMOs.
Camden Miller
>how come everyone i meet in this game doesn't scream nigger and faggot at each other like raging autist incels like i do
Cameron Green
>since they tend not to switch off to other games and buy premium items more i wonder why that is
Brandon Watson
The people that play the game are all trannies and giant pussies. I've gotten reported and gotten strikes for saying "Guess this was actually a practice party instead of a farm, yikes" and "Ahh fuck, my bad for the fat finger on voke"
Andrew Gray
I don't say this often but you sound like a massive faggot.
Brody Bell
im just in it for the main story bro, not to erp with mentally ill people
You mean in party finder stuff? Most people just want to get thier dalies done and dont wana chit chat. If im doing a daliy and im stuck with someone who doesnt know how to play i just deal with it, its not worth the headache trying to help people. If you actually want to socialize join an fc with a discord
Landon Garcia
Because in XIV you literally get banned for parsing, calling out bad players or bad words directed at someone. And its actually heavily enforced. This results in a playerbase afraid to speak up when anything goes wrong and just seethe quietly.
Hudson Lee
I've played since 1.0 and not gotten a single strike. Just talk like a normal person user. Solve your problems like adults.
Jackson Gomez
Talk shit and get banned by the GM's whose job was previously managing the actual game in the event bugs occurred but whose job now is about tard wrangling. Nobody wants to deal with that shit so everyone shuts up and plays it safe.
We don't want obnoxious shitheads like you in our game, because we are adults.
Not being facetious. Most people I know who play this game are over 30, including myself. When we get some little meme-spouting faggot in our groups we kick him immediately.
Justin Fisher
>how come everyone i meet in this game has such a bland, passive, avoidant personality Because the game itself is bland, passive, and avoidant. Unless you are doing high tier raids, there is no reason to talk to anyone.
Austin Hughes
I banter. Your idea of banter has been sharpened and corrupted by being on Zig Forums. But who banters with complete strangers anyway?
Asher Gutierrez
>But who banters with complete strangers anyway? Again, you just proving OP's point about the game. When someone do bad at the game, would stay quite and seethe or called them out for being a dumbass
It's a refuge for trannies and you'll become one after playing it for a while
Bentley Gutierrez
>When someone do bad at the game, would stay quite and seethe or called them out for being a dumbass holy fuck your english is terrible. Most of the time if someone fucks over a mechanic it doesnt even matter. Only time it matters is at EX or higher. I just ask them if they know what to do, and tell them what to do if they dont. If they still keep fucking up I tell what to do regardless. Getting mad at them doesnt do shit anyways and most of the time just annoys them so they throw even harder.
Jonathan Campbell
Calling some complete stranger a dumbass isn't banter.
Hunter Baker
>Nooooooooooo why cant I just be mask off racist and an asshole and spam obscenities to strangers XIV is such a safe space!