I played playstation on my truck

I played playstation on my truck.

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Did you have fun?

is there any way to open the console up and hook up HDMI to a console that doesnt have any video ports?

Is that a Ford Sync3 system? If so how do I do this?

Cool but that doesn't look very comfortable. You might as well get a switch and play on that.

I played PlayStation on my puck


Yes timesplitters was too scratched so we played desert storm 2: back to Baghdad.

Its ford sync not sure if 3 or not, 2013 f150 with the gps option, the gps computer has av ports

The screen is way bigger than a switch we played split screen no problem

No u

I have the slim console im gonna leave in the center console.

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Why do amerimutts continue on killing our beautiful language?

>Conflict Desert Storm 2
absolutely chad taste

Fast and the Furious did this in 2001.

Pic related

Thanks fellow chad 10/10 game.

Did they? Like pimp my ride we put tv's in your car shit or through infotainment? Probably wasnt a thing in 2001 not sure.

Attached: Screenshot_20201212-175322.png (1080x2460, 316.71K)

El americano inculto que no sabe ni su propio idioma...

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>a fucking ford
Enjoy your soda can body.

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Jump to 1:44

What else would it be? Plaid, like the fabric?

Also, Pimp my Ride became a thing because of Fast n the Furious.

The fuck are you talking about?

This is more cyber future aesthetic than cyberpunk's car interiors.

>a fucking PS2 nigger rigged to a GPS display
I was going to laugh at you for how outdated the hardware is, but that is pretty fucking grunge. Fits that weird retrofuturism gadget mania that cyberpunk is pigeonholed into like a fucking glove.
The look fits, too.

Did you seriously have to use a racial slur in your post? Can we like not be racist shitheads for one thread? Thanks.

Nigga rig is a well known term though user.

>Did you seriously have to
No, but it sounds good, and I care a lot more about that than I do you.

Kill yourself baboon n*gger tranny.


>>Did you seriously have to use a racial slur in your post?
yes you stupid Goyum

>soda can body

Bet you feel pretty retarded now.

You’ve clearly never seen a switch in your life

Its not nigger rigged desu, the gps has av ports.

I have a switch its like half the size of the truck screen, you just have shit perspective.

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Cut your beard off

>he browses v
>calls other people neckbeards
Lul i just came here to post this thread but project more.

nice truck bro, it's not ecoshit is it?

Thanks famalamazoid, its a v8 5.0 coyote no gay shit here. Has heated/air conditioning seats and every option available, pretty comfy.

I remember my neighbor had a minivan with an N64 built-in when I was a kid. Was pretty cool. Didn't even get molested or anything.