Yep, I'm thinking WoW is back.
its the same shit every expansion, if you cant see this then youre a retarded piece of shit.
t. wow player who started at the beggining of TBC
this expansion is 100% based and chad. anyone that says otherwise is just a ff14 player mad that wow is successful.
Everyone is playing the superior MMO, Final Fantasy XIV.
>grind on an endless treadmill for gear that will be rendered useless once the new patch comes out
yep, I'm thinking it's the same shit as every past expansion
that being said, the new raid was fun
>barely gets as much raid traffic as a 16 year old game
>claims he started in TBC
>uses Zoomer memes and talks like a grammatically challenged 16 year old
lol as if wow players aren't all degenerate uneducated neet pieces of shit
I hold a Masters in Business Management, and a Diploma in Logistics, and I thoroughly enjoy WoW. Don’t project your own failures onto me, you failure.
those are fake meme degrees that you get if you want to work at starbucks your whole life you fucking loser
I want to fuck the cat without a tail
>source: believe me bro
How do I get better at Arenas. I'm getting fucked up. 1300 is as far as I got.
use voice comms, call out cc, and play with a partner who complements your spec/class
you can easily get 1600-1800 with that even if you are a backpeddling clicker
learn what other classes/comp can do and how your class/comp can best counter them.
Really? I've been addicted for years, but I couldn't play Shadowlands more than two days after hitting 60. Undeniably the worst expansion they've ever put out.
awful bait.
Is shadowpriests just god awful in torghast or am i just getting super unlucky with powers?
Worth doing my runs as disc instead?
Stop posting this thread every other day. Shadowlands is shit and Blizzard is completely pozzed.
Really? I've been addicted for years, but I couldn't play Shadowlands more than two days after hitting 60. Undeniably the worst expansion they've ever put out.
Back to being the same shit it has been for a decade. In fact you could say it never even changed.
>Yep, I'm thinking WoW is back.
shadowlands is actually good, though
roll/team up with a rogue
FFXIV isn't an MMO
what does this even mean
>shadowlands is actually good, though
>it's shit
so you're uneducated and probably unemployed as well. Thanks for proving my point retard
Shadowlands is actually good though
Nobody was calling BFA good