How the FUCK do I make money in this game?

How the FUCK do I make money in this game?

Attached: cyberpunk-keanu-reeves-2077-character.jpg (1600x1600, 221.25K)

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color code your inventory and sell shit. also has anyone figured out how to get eddies off credchips yet?

side quests + hacking terminals for money (with pearks increasing the payouts by 100%)

I'm trans btw if that matters

Sell your body, unfortunately if you picked a circumcised dick no one will pay you

as 50% of this board, don't worry

By refunding

got circumcised corpo dick and fucked Meredith, deal with it

Perk to increase sale price of your items. Perk to hack vending machines. Perk to increase items looted. Stop being retarded.

561 KB PNG
>fuck whores
>fuck Haitians
>fuck Asians
>and most of all fuck women

Johnny is so fucking based lads seriously

Buy soda cans, dismantle them, somehow make a profit by selling materials

can just drive around to assaults in progress and murder everyone
sell all the drops
also looking for those red access point things, there's a low level perk that highlights them all automatically, usually free 1k a pop and a mission can have 5-6 of them

Yeah bro, decode em

drive to ? marks on the map, those are gigs, decent way to make a bit of cash. also hack the red glowing access points, 3000 bucks and crafting materials easy every time. assaults in progress are ok too, just go to them and kill everyone.

Get the trauma team to show up and run them over with a truck, then sell their drops. They’re like level 50.

You will never be a woman

Can anyone tell me without spoilers if there is a point in the game where it feels like a good time to do side activities?
I'm at the beginning of act 2 and I've tried to do a few side jobs and gigs but I keep running into shit I can't do yet like a door that requires 9 body to force open and I only have 6.
Also the story itself feels rather urgent at present.

So you’re the target audience

the game really unwinds after lvl 20 when you have some gear, pearks and skills

do them whenever
a lot of quests sound urgent but the npc will wait for you forever, I've yet to see anything time sensitive
every door with a skill check will have another way in, most often just climbing up to a second story or something on a dumpster beside the house or something

Eh as long as you have a decent taste in games I dont care

The easiest way is to do bounties.

How do you talk to Silverhand to start the buck rockers quest?

How do you find cyberpsychos?

Attached: Thadiun_Okona.jpg (973x973, 417.27K)

How do you get a trauma team to show up?

how long would it take to reach level 20? i just started act 2 and im only level 8

>tfw I have the perk that autoscraps junk
>Go through the mall section and loot 4 or 5 of those necklaces worth 750
>They instantly get turned to scrap
>Need 100,000 to respec and remove the perk
Guess thats why everyone in Night City is so poor


What do?

Psychos I found semi-accidentally by following map question-mark markers.
I got close and then Regina called to confirm.

Am I retarded or is it possible to get full rewards everytime on that hacking minigame?

Theres a cyberpsycho northwest of your apartment at the beginning of act 2, he dropped a gun with a mod that eliminates vertical recoil which is pretty sweet.

I feel like this is a really bad perk, like game-ruining

let us know if that's true, user

Get 'technician' perk, go to vending machine for 10eb, buy everything, disassemble, you get more common and uncommon parts than the can is worth, sell for 100eb profit. not huge but early game before you're getting thousands of eb for every step you take that's enough.

I've only made about 300 euro selling junk in 11 hours of play, I can't imagine it really matters.

if you upgrade your OS you get more breaching inputs, I have 7 atm and with those it is pretty possible to get full rewards most of the time

side quests

?? my junk sells for 3k-7k everytime I remember to sell it, and I'm still in Watson

Nah, initially I'm pretty sure that sometimes you'll get variations that are impossible to get full for. I just got for the third one every time because that earns you as much (or slightly more) as getting both 1 and 2.

Thank you user-Kun