Over/Under: 2.5 new Final Fantasy songs

Over/Under: 2.5 new Final Fantasy songs

Attached: crater.jpg (1145x645, 235.32K)

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Sakurai bitched about how annoying Square was with the music back in the Dragon Quest presentation so I'm gonna go over.
He'll force their hand and get 8 midi tracks with no remixes.

Another boring stage design, and ironically I don't think the competitive scene will even use it so it's double useless.

The stage looks way more interesting than midgar since it seems like it goes into the northern crater to the center of the planet, then holy pops up, highwind flies away, meteor comes, and then holy should stop it

Best Timeline:
>One Winged Angel
>One Winged Angel (Advent Children)
>Opening Theme, Bombing Mission
>Aerith's Theme
>Birth of a God

I like the stage too. I've always wanted Meta Crystal as a playable stage this feels like a good substitute.

Kek, you're only gonna get One Winged Angel and the AC version of that

Since its sephiroth they absolutely have to have The One Chosen By The Planet.

You'll get 2 MIDIS of OWA and Jenova.

That should be his victory theme

I'd hope we get more than Advent One Winged Angel. My expectations are very low, but I'm hoping the next trailer delivers something on the Terry scale.

I know but it would be cool

wtf is this stage supposed to be?

How long after a reveal does it take for the character to get in the game?

please, square.
>Jenova Absolute
>Aerith’s Theme
>Birth of a God
>One Winged Angel
>J-E-N-O-V-A (Advent Children)
>One Winged Angel (Advent Children)

Northern Crater AKA the final location of FF7
the background cycles through different parts of the game's final battle and ending

I wanted this since smash 4 so I’m ok with this. Throw in jenova synthesis too

I want bombing mission. It will play on Midgar too so it doesn't matter.

The past few have been so gimmicky that it's nice to have something simpler for a change.
It looks a hell of a lot better than Midgar at least.

It varies. Either way he's not gonna get in the game before the 17th (the day of Sakurai's presentation of the character). Some characters have been added the day of their Sakurai presentation but never before them, and the 17th sounds like a good launch date if you don't want the launch to be overshadowed by Christmas and New Year celebrations

He'll come with only two songs, and neither of them will be available on Cloud's stage and vice-versa

Stages in Ultimate assign themselves to a franchise and all of its music is available on that stage, Sephiroth would have to have a separate music menu from FF7 for that to happen

Yes, Sephiroth and his stage will be categorized as "Final Fantasy" while Cloud and his stage are "Final Fantasy VII"

>Sakurai ends up playing ball with Square enough that he can pull music from other FF games
>has a lot of tracks from 4 & 6
>even gets some X in
>boot up the stage
I think I'd legit pop a boner.

Attached: 1605048033545.png (227x309, 74.4K)

Square didn't even allow more than two tracks per stage in their own fighting game, you really think Sephiroth's gonna bring in more than OWA?

It's funny; the TGA trailer showed SSBU x FF in general, but the uploaded trailer clarified it as SSBU x FF7. We aren't getting any content outside of 7.

DQ music suffers from a different issue entirely because of it's composer, he is the one behind the issue with the midi versions of his songs.
With FF the only issue as far we know is the music being owned by most likely Uematsu but he isn't that hard to work with, and the fact Cloud was added really late into Ultimate.

it only appeared as smash x final fantasy in the american reveal. every other reveal had smash x final fantasy vii

I thought Uematsu was also a bit protective of his orchestral renditions, since he sells them under the Distant Worlds label.
Not to the same degree as Sugiyama obviously, that man is fucking horrible.

>Square didn't even allow more than two tracks per stage in their own fighting game

You mean Dissidia? because the first game had three songs per series, and it added a shit ton more with each entry, FF7 had almost every battle song by 012 or NT with only lacking the turks theme song.

As far we know it only happens with certain renditions of his songs, like the orchestral ones you mentioned, but I don't think he would be against the actual songs from the games, also the ones made for other games like Crisis Core or Dissidia.

No fair, how come minecraft is allowed to have two stages?

for a second the reveal trailer made it look like burning Nibelheim was going to be a stage... but I guess not ._.

We can dream, user.

Would the music from FFVII spin-off games like Crisis Core or Cringe of Cerberus would still work as FFVII representation? aside from having original song, some of those renditions weren't made by Uematsu, I would love if we get The Summoned as one of the new songs.
