Eat my rice
How do you prefer your Rice irl?
I'm a fan of plain white rice
how do i install the fundoshi mod?
Garlic salt or onions sauce.
Need pics of Sakuna's fundoshi ass.
To the user last thread asking about early game tips, just don't forget to cut up some bushes every couple days in the gathering spots or any other easy access spots to get some fertilizer ingredients.
You can use gathering points at night and go back home to eat for the buffs next morning, as long as you eat and rest before the sun comes up.
This is the only game in recent memory that brings back comfy nostalgic feelings of stuff like Secret of Mana or Actraiser or Legend of the Mystical Ninja. I don't know why but it hits all the right notes that none of the faux-retro pixelshit games have even come close to.
I'm going to plunge my mediocre cock into her tight butthole.
Probably helps that Actraiser was one of the inspirations for the game.
I want those sakunies
>finish 4th harvest
>that night
>"hey we should sell this shit"
>"good idea"
>same night
>"someone's sabotaging our record breaking sales bros"
is time convoluted in the lofty realm
Sorry user, but she is for making babies only
Threadly reminder that rice has moth eggs in it.
Yes actually
>ehhhh? You think I'd be interested in a guy with such low quality rice?
Sakuna brings this up later and it actually makes sense.
A lot of things you might consider to be plotholes early on are explained away at some point.
I'd nibble on her feet too
Same. My roommate likes to steam it with chicken broth, but then it's too wet for me.
Is it just me or it get boring mid game?
I'm at chapter 5 and thing start getting real repetitive
Also what do I do after reaching the keep submit
There is no boss
plain white rice with fish sauce and salt and pepper
steamed rice with a fried egg and oyster sauce on top
user's problem is that they got the sabotage scene before they even traded anything yet.
Mixed rice with various cereals like barley, peas, beans, etc
>finally get enough rice to buy whatever I want, and can waste extra rice making elaborate ingredients for fancy meals
>early game mentality of rationing is too strong and I just eat very plain dinners to not waste anything
I've had to stop making dried/smoked meats because I have way too many already.
I found it interesting enough, but I don't dislike repetition too badly.
What's your exploration level? Try grabbing more exploration levels from around the keep, that's how I got it to reveal the boss.
Sakuna brings this up later, like I said. There is a scene where Sakuna talks to Kokorowa and literally says:
"Hey how did you get my rice before we even sent any to the capitol". And then Kokorowa explains.
I fucking hate managing expiring food and choosing dinner so much
>I fucking hate managing expiring food
Once you get near the end of the game, you should be able to get enough ice to stop your food from rotting ever again, assuming you do the upkeep every Winter.
pc mod when?
by mid/late game you have so much food it's not even really worth caring about what goes bad. I don't see the point in grinding for ice when you can just order whatever from the capitol or get some extra ingredients when sending out all the characters during the day.