why was the kamehameha yellow in Budokai 1?
Why was the kamehameha yellow in Budokai 1?
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the color blue wasn't invented yet
the devs were mangaonly chads so they didn't know what color it was
Because you touch yourself
suck my fat cock bitch
It always pissed me off that Teen Gohan's Super Kamehameha was the most powerful move in the game and it didn't even hit the opponent
Dragon Ball/Z: Anime > Manga
Dragon Ball Super: Anime < Manga
dragon ball super: dogshit
for me it's Super Dragon Ball Z
The super manga is completely shit and Toyataro is a hack
Because it was yellow in the first Legacy of Goku.
Do you just not like Dragon Ball? Moro arc is one of the best in the franchise.
delusional toyospic, you will not shit up this budokai thread with your noncanon filler!
Because it was total fucking garbage like every DBZ console game was until budokai 3 and tekaichi 2 happened
Trash game
The real answer is that back then no one caredwhat color the blast was and those that did made their own theories around it. You see blue or yellow because Toriyama and Toei changed between the two colors without explaining why they did it, so it was then just up to the development team's preference.
Not that user but all of the Budokai games are great. However, Budokai 3 and Budokai are the only ones that really hold out well still. Tenkaichi has 2 for its story mode and three for its gameplay exceot for one or two mechanics from 2.
I remember Gohan firing a yellow kamehameha at Majin Buu's shell while it was hatching
Electric Kamehameha is best Kamehameha
Same. Buu's Fury named it Electric Kamehameha and reasoned it was infused with the properties that has some of the fighters create electric auras around their bodies. I remember Kid Goku throwing a red kamehameha and thinking "Wait what the fuck".
that shit is so boring though, last i read it, ultra instinct was already treated like it was some weak-ass shit, come the fuck on
that's modded, right? don't remember that power up in any budokai tenkaichi
but one handed kamehamehas don't have any right of being this cool. up there with big bang kamehameha, goddamn
>rehash of the cell arc
>vegeta going to yardrat to learn a technique that's completely useless outside of very specific scenarios, and none of the other cool shit they said they could teach him
>he doesnt even get to keep instant transmission, just uses it once and forgets it
>goku fucks up YET AGAIN by fucling around and letting the enemy recover/pull some bullshit trick
>goku completely mastering ultra instinct basically writes the series in to a corner power scale wise because hes basicly fucking invincible to anyone who hasn't also mastered it meaning angels and gods
Shit arc, I'm glad its over. Next arc should be the last one.
all of them are cool in their own way. Master Roshis was based too
super saiyan 4's kamehameha in budokai 3 looked so fucking menacing, i loved that
Looks like it's modded but the technique is from the early SSJ Goku form.
Yeah, I remember that technique was from early ssj, meant form instead of power up, my bad
why am I yellow?
Just looked it up.
The opponent jumps out of the way
Your kidneys have failed.
>Buu saga
>fight Buu a bunch of times through the board
I hated... this so much
Had the best what-if fusions, that unfortunately are stuck in there instead of being playable in B3 and Tenkaichi series.
Type sure they are all in DBZ fusions on the 3ds. Never played it because I'm not a manchild but if you care about weird fusions so much that's your game.
You mean liver.
my neighbors really want my organs actually
I meant in fighters, Tiencha and Gokule were stupid but fun
Moro was just a hack rehashing bits and pieces of Z's arcs and frankensteining together in a shoddy way. Never mind the fact everything covered in the manga such as the Black arc and ToP was worse than the anime.
And King Piccolo too