Does Zig Forums own any video game merch?

Does Zig Forums own any video game merch?

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wheres the yellow ape from


I have a couple Muramasa The Demon Blade figures. Pokemon too.

Donkey Kong

op is a gay xenophile

Dragon Ball GT

Looks like the super saiyan version of the great ape from Dragon Ball GT that comes prior to super saiyan 4. GT was shit, but I liked that they bought the ape form back and that super saiyan 4 was inspired by saiyans being monkey men

Only own a couple thing's that came with collector's editions. This is the biggest

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Boku no Hero

That’s pretty cool user how much was it?

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I got it with the DBZ Kakrot Collectors edition, 200 total. Ebay is charging way too much for it now

damn, goodshit user. things a treasure

The collector's editions can pay off more than I thought they would. Most expensive one I got is the one for Nier Automata, though I've opened everything but the figure

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Im missing Vile and did not want to buy another X just for the full armor.

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Take it out of the box and cum on it already

wtf is a dragon ball? lmao is this some bad dragon crap? dragon dildos LMAO

I have a blue MSF shirt

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I only own this. it's great

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Who would be dumb enough to do that?

Ask me how I know you're a gay bara wannabe

Why do we hate yukiari again?

guaranteed you are a disgusting lardass who calls themselves """"""""bear mode""""""{"""""""

Phoenix Wright

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haven't seen this big guy in years, nice fig

>wanna get a Metal Gear REX fig
>all sold out or stupid expensive
Waiting for an eventual RAY fig, also got pic related ordered

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kys post-00s zoomer faggot

The one and only video game swag I ever bought. Quality product. And sold at a fraction of the price Japs sell their coomer swag for.

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Didn't mind the Lao fight in GenU, haven't fought him in FU but I'd probably hate it

Where is the dragon from the right from?

Just a xenochu does that count?

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Lao Shan Lung from Monster Hunter