Does Zig Forums own any video game merch?
Does Zig Forums own any video game merch?
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wheres the yellow ape from
I have a couple Muramasa The Demon Blade figures. Pokemon too.
Donkey Kong
op is a gay xenophile
Dragon Ball GT
Looks like the super saiyan version of the great ape from Dragon Ball GT that comes prior to super saiyan 4. GT was shit, but I liked that they bought the ape form back and that super saiyan 4 was inspired by saiyans being monkey men
Only own a couple thing's that came with collector's editions. This is the biggest
Boku no Hero
That’s pretty cool user how much was it?
I got it with the DBZ Kakrot Collectors edition, 200 total. Ebay is charging way too much for it now
damn, goodshit user. things a treasure
The collector's editions can pay off more than I thought they would. Most expensive one I got is the one for Nier Automata, though I've opened everything but the figure
Im missing Vile and did not want to buy another X just for the full armor.
Take it out of the box and cum on it already
wtf is a dragon ball? lmao is this some bad dragon crap? dragon dildos LMAO
I have a blue MSF shirt
I only own this. it's great
Who would be dumb enough to do that?
Ask me how I know you're a gay bara wannabe
Why do we hate yukiari again?
guaranteed you are a disgusting lardass who calls themselves """"""""bear mode""""""{"""""""
Phoenix Wright
haven't seen this big guy in years, nice fig
>wanna get a Metal Gear REX fig
>all sold out or stupid expensive
Waiting for an eventual RAY fig, also got pic related ordered
kys post-00s zoomer faggot
The one and only video game swag I ever bought. Quality product. And sold at a fraction of the price Japs sell their coomer swag for.
Didn't mind the Lao fight in GenU, haven't fought him in FU but I'd probably hate it
Where is the dragon from the right from?
Just a xenochu does that count?
Lao Shan Lung from Monster Hunter