Unpolished turds
Imagine selling so much, and still dead. You know you're boring af when that happens
Unpolished turds
Holy shit, they fucking failed on that promise
RAGE Engine>>>>>>source
Don't care about cyberpunk, I just don't like boring games like rdr2. It's literally a cinematic experience game, only without the good story
Unpolished turds
It's literally higher quality than any other game out there cope.
GTA San Andreas made this irrelevant in 2004 lmao
>without a good story
i think you mean with a good story
>only without the good story
you should stick to nba2k
Kingdom Cum doesn't deserve to be there
Unpolished turds
>ywn play bioshock for the first time again
why live
Yes, it does
Agreed. The only good game out of 3
Replace Witcher 3 and Kingdom Come with Kotor 2 and Oblivion
no thanks, decent games but outclassed
By what?
by new vegas witcher 3 and kingdom come
New Vegas can stay obviously. But you need to rethink your other two picks.
witcher has excellent writing and kingdom come is the most historically accurate and immersive sim rpg that has ever been made to my knowledge. the fact that it was a small indie studio only makes it that much more impressive. their sequel is one of the only games im genuinely looking forward to, that studio has some smart people in their head design staff
Never played kingdom come but new Vegas and Witcher 3 are top 5 vidya imo
zoomer detected
I'm 27
>man enjoys thing
>you: no!
Play it, it's good. Outside of monastery, fuck monastery.
sure thing zoomie
>movie game
not sure what you were trying to say but ok
Replace Witcher 3 with VTMB