Ohh...there it is

ohh...there it is

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Pretty sure OP pic is a tranny.

and did i hear correctly that the cars don't even have ai, they just follow predetermined paths until they collide with something? sasuga cyberfags

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What exactly is the problem, incel?

CDPR really have become victims of their own success. Bioware 2.0.

how's your ai programming skills, user?

The terry gifs are always pretty epic.

I knew it was the fucking ukrainians

Real question: Why can't women do anything right? I don't understand how they can be terrible at literally everything.

I'm a Microbiologist working in Biopharmaceuticals. I don't know anything about programming but how hard could it possibly be? Any of my friends back in college who studied programming seemed to have it pretty easy compared to me. Their workload was much lower.

>Consoomies fell for TLOU2
>Then they fell for CP77
>all within 6 months of each other
Post yfw you didn't fall for either of those

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Literally sub-developed brains. Their only purpose in life is to give birth to children. They weren't supposed to do any critical thinking.

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>hohol whore

you just know

>female exists

That's an ukrainian name

Incel thread?
Incel thread.

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Have to do better than that

>ukrainian surname
Very unlikely

Reminded of that dude in HELIOS One in New Vegas.

Medicine and related fields are probably the hardest to get into. Everything else is a piece of cake in comparison.

because they never have to. whenever they have to perform some task men will fall over each other to do it for them. when they fuck up socially, people will just be willing to pretend it didn't happen.
you learn from failure but no one lets them fail anymore.

>tfw put 200+ hours in Genshin Impact instead
Am I winning

>Am I winning
are you having fun?

>putting 200 hours into a chink gacha BOTW simulator
At the end of the day you play whatever games you find fun.
But if you're asking for my opinion on the matter, I have a distaste for most games that are South Korean/Chinese related

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It's a comfy podcast game for me, I don't even know if it's the podcasts I'm enjoying or the game.

Literally who?

as long as you're enjoying your time you're winning. it's an entertainment medium, that's its main purpose.

Its easy to stroll through academia especially for women in programming with basically never doind much past the basic shit a step above hello world.
None of mine 7 girls in the group ever got any sorting algorithm or how pointers work. But based on attendance, group assignments, shit like gui design, etc. they pass with 9s and 10s.

But if your label is senior ai programmer you better not be some code monkey or a fake that sucks dicks and cooks coffees.

polish women aren' the same as american women


>polish women
biggest coalburners in the world

>Why can't women do anything right?
Some can but they're neuro atypical, which basically means, more testosterone.
They didn't evolve to do that, simply put. This is apparent even in young children under 4 years old, and also in monkey babies. Females go for dolls and the males go for the trucks/cars/non human objects.

They're pretty much the same, the only difference is that they're not obsessed with BBC because there are no niggers in Poland.

The duality of BLACK'D posters

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