Attached: Cyberfall.webm (1600x900, 1.9M)

Is this the new Sim City?

Shazam niggers won

At 14 seconds one of the trucks on the left dissapears.

Who cares though really?

Cars don't disappear in sim city

what mobile game is this?

Joke falls flat since cars DO disappear


Possibly the stupidest shortcut I've ever seen in a video game. It lands badly even if you're driving down the street. The cars are so far away that you can't really tell they're 2D, but they will just disappear if you try to catch up to them.

that is actually quite embarrassing


They don't, you can see the traffic jam all the way out to the other city.

Attached: Simcity-052[1].jpg (1920x1080, 214.18K)


laziest programming ever lol holy shit

It's not lazy, impostors are a great way to improve performance and if done right it can look basically seamless. This is just a dumb as fuck implementation.

>literally fucking 2d sprites

they teased it 8 years ago, which means it was already in development for a while.
so they had 9 years of development time and this is what they made.
very pathetic and incompetent.

Maybe this effect was intended for Xbox 360.

>dumb as fuck implementation
It's the same as any other game that uses it. You wouldn't even notice if you didn't purposely stand where he is and zoom in with a sniper. It looks fine when he zooms out

There are no cars there. It's just an illusion.

>It looks fine when he zooms out

How does it not? It looks like a bunch of tiny cars in the distance blurry as fuck.
Why on earth would they render models that far? No game does this unless they simplify them to the point of looking like a compressed jpeg anyway

No, it wasn't retard. Development hasn't started until 2016.

It was a rough couple of days but I finally feel like I’m able to enjoy it and get a little of the cyber punk kino I was looking forward to for the last three years.

The key is to let the world building do its thing. So much of this is perception. So the fact that most buildings aren’t accessible doesn’t bother me any more, because I am role playing as a character who isn’t interested in going into them. Likewise, I’m not interested in customizations because, face it, how often do you (irl) get a new haircut or tattoo?

I’ve started imagining little stories for all of the npcs, which helps. Like this guy is a dentist, she’s on her way to see her boyfriend, etc. This person is very polite which is why they wait patiently when you block their car.

Yeah, it’s not perfect. But it’s actually made it possible for me to enjoy the game.

lazy = not done right

this isn't complicated

mother of all cope posts
>i imagine backstories for pointless npcs
how mentally ill are you faggot

>how often do you (irl) get a new haircut or tattoo?
A lot of trannies around these parts so the answer in general is constantly

They could have used a normal LOD system and reduced the draw distance, that would be lazy.

Nice cherry picking you do realize that we have to wait until the multiplayer release to see the full potential of the game, right?

>replying to bait

>No game does this unless they simplify them to the point of looking like a compressed jpeg anyway

Complete nonsense. The player is way too close in that situation for 2d sprite rendering to make sense. Low poly 3d models with bad textures are more appropriate.

still not excusable for AAA game.
kys cybertranny

In hindsight that self-serve Shazam ad was probably the most based thing all year.

>8 years of development
>Fucking Mass Effect 3 levels of sprites

Shazam....I kneel

Attached: 1607355300654s.jpg (79x125, 2.24K)

Update your shitposting, nigger. Trannies hate this game now.

>Way too close
Are you retarded? It's far away as fuck and in a completely inaccessible part of the map.

Everyone loves Cyberpunk
Everyone loves the bugs
Everyone loves the gameplay
Everything is Cyberpunk
All you talk about is Cyberpunk.
Your dad played Cyberpunk.
Kneel Shatranny.

Attached: 1605529384643.png (1080x1932, 2.69M)

>Development hasn't started until 2016
now where did I hear that one before

Attached: 1606462645022.gif (480x270, 3.89M)

I'm not sure if you're implying it's not true but if you are then you'd be retarded not to believe it.
If you followed updates since the original teaser then it's almost a given they restarted development at least twice because they had no fucking clue how to do the original concept. Too much information that came out with the first 2-3 years conflicted

but also

I don't give a shit about your scams.
If you weren't a complete newshit you'd know the 2013 teaser was literally a recruitment video with the most generic robocop/dredd shitpossible, which is why literally none of it was kept in the game, yet retards think it was footage of an already existing game that was scrapped.