Who is stronger, Kirby or Seppiroth?
Who is stronger, Kirby or Seppiroth?
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Kirby in terms of pure physical power but Sephiroth has some hax because he's a BITCH
The answer is always Kirby or Asura
>alt right dog whistle on the left
>Sephiroth just walks at Kirby, not giving him any projectiles to spit back or swallow to gain powers
>touches Kirby with his foot 6 times
>Kirby dies
>walks at kirby
your first mistake
Yeah, waddle dees sure are the toughest enemies in kirby
Kirby, but it would be close not just "Kirby is God" meme
What is even Kirby? An altverse Jigglypuff?
>walks at Kirby
Already dead.
If Kirby absorbs Sephiroth he can win.
Apparently he's a member of an elder god species or something, according to Star Allies.
Isn't he like a baby meta-knight or something like that?
some sort of ever changing ultra specimen from an elder species that dissapeared
it could consume the entire universe if he so desired, but something makes him just stop and be happy with the life he already has, instead of consuming everything in his path
>tfw Kirby is a coomsumer
Sephiroth one shot Galeem. Kirby had to run away like a bitch. Simple as.
To be fair Seppiroth had the high ground and came from behind.
Kirby is a good Christian boy.
Kirby is a based consumer. He doesn't give a fuck, just consuuuumes
Sephiroth is a boss. He can't be swallowed until he dies, and doesn't take damage from sliding or air puffs. Kirby can only hurt him through contact damage, which hurts Kirby much more.
According to the latest game, Kirby is implied to be a possible end result birth? of deity that chose? the path of happiness as opposed to wrath.
Kirby Fighters 2 or Star Allies?
Wait. You are trying to do a one sided adaptation.
If it work by FF7 rules Kirby will be able to use his air puff on him, and probably be shit against his HP. If its FF7R it will take forever but he'll be winable. If he's adapted to a Kirby game his spells/meteorite is what Kirby will use to make stars.
If you mix Dissidia/Smash Sephirot can be eaten and destroyed.
Sephiroth attempted to destroy a planet.
Kirby succeeded.
>Kirby can only hurt him through contact damage, which hurts Kirby much more.
i don't think midbosses/main bosses can be hurt by contact (aside from adeleine in dream land 3/64).
star allies.
Never played any kirdy game, i like his design.
Should i play some kirby 's games, if so which one?
Some kind of Lovecraftian tier outer god thing
I'll vouch for Crystal Shards.
Terminalmontage convinced me to play Kirby games. Which one should I start with?
Fact: Kirby is the son of Ammutseba: Devourer of Stars. Despite being a newborn he is already shown to be nearly as powerful as his father and will surpass him when the time comes. Kirby will one day consume our world and reality itself. There is no greater joy than to become a part of that beautiful pink marshmallow. Ia Ia Ftagh Kirby!
>this post made me check out the Kirby anime real quick
>This fucking CGI
>Kirby will one day consume our world and reality itself.
Who's to say that the universe isn't safer inside Kirby? If he is truly infinite and benevolent, Kirby can be the God we need, the one to coddle and protect us from the cosmos.
seconding crystal shards.
super star ultra and robobot are great as well, amazing mirror's a bit divisive but i'd say check it out if you like those types of games.
how is Kirby stronger than metaknight?