I kneel

I kneel

Hope tortanicfags are satisfied and we don't do this all over again with another game

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Elden Ring is next, or maybe that space Bethesda game, Starfield or some shit?

See you next month guys

>Hope tortanicfags are satisfied and we don't do this all over again with another game

Don't disrespect Shazam. We will do this every single time a shit game comes out, every single time a game is overhyped and shitty and every time a developer blatantly lies to their underage or s0iboy consumers. We will try to save gaming by exposing the shittiness of corporations, despite the copers and trannies.

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Shazam-sama I'm sorry I didn't believe in you. Fuck, I just wanted to play some good RPG!

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Hoping for Elden Ring to be a disaster, if only because it will lead to mass crossboard butthurt from /lit/ and Zig Forums angry that GRRM is writing that instead of Winds of Winter.

Oh and, by the way - I'm not even bullshitting. I was a CDPR fanboy and got burned

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It's stupid to hope for a game to be bad. We want games to be good. We KNOW they will be bad though, so what we hope for is for other people to realize how bad they are. The more people who know as we know, the better the chance of the next game being good.


>It's stupid to hope for a game to be bad. We want games to be good. We KNOW they will be bad though, so what we hope for is for other people to realize how bad they are. The more people who know as we know, the better the chance of the next game being good
Lmao what dumb logic. All you do is antagonize developers and the end result is either they continue to do the same thing, get smug and have their fanboys belittle your opinon as they continue to sweep up the awards (Naughty Dog) or they go Bioware route and just disapear from the media for a while as they work on projects. Either way the gamer loses.

You haven't stopped EA
You haven't stopped Ubisoft
You haven't stopped Bethesda

ALL of the developers who practiced shittiness are still doing them, what did you do?