What fighting games does Zig Forums play?

What fighting games does Zig Forums play?

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Admittedly I don’t know shit about the genre, but wouldn’t Skullgirls be the best one?

Melty Blood
That would mean you might have to learn a different combo for every character, because your hits wouldn't connect due to oddities in their hurtboxes.

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Tekken 3 on PS with my wife.
Everything else is fucking gay.
Yes, I play Eddy to make her mad.

SF4 and MAME shit mostly

I guess that makes sense

I'll get back into learning Melty Blood next week or something. Maybe I'll buy PC versions of CF and UNI for myself for christmas.

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tekken and melee both have 3d hit detection bad image

So you literally can't get hit in Tekken as long as you're attacking because you have no hurtbox?

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