Redpill me on Dark Souls 2
Why does no one like it? Is DS1 and DS3 just so good that it makes DS2 look bad ? Is DS2 worth playing it’s the only one I haven’t played yet?
Redpill me on Dark Souls 2
Why does no one like it? Is DS1 and DS3 just so good that it makes DS2 look bad ? Is DS2 worth playing it’s the only one I haven’t played yet?
>you have to install external programs to even play on gamepad on PC
that's at least one
I can deal with that. What else?
works on my machine
>Why does no one like it?
That's something I've been wondering myself for the past six years. It's flawed but not a bad game in the slightest.
>Is DS1 and DS3 just so good that it makes DS2 look bad?
That may be way to see it. Dark Souls 1 is the most "balanced" of the three when it comes to gameplay mechanics, exploration and level design while Dark Souls 3 is has the most polished combat, graphics and overall experience
Meanwhile Dark Souls 2 is an ugly looking game (I think it looks worse than Demon's Souls), the bosses are easy for the most part and it has a lot of unfair traps like ambushes or environmental dangers. On the other hand is the most gameplay and mechanically rich of the three; its DLC is also some of the best Dark Souls content while being fairly open compared to Dark Souls 3's linearity.
>Is DS2 worth playing it’s the only one I haven’t played yet?
That depends. If you consider Dark Souls 1 and 3 "ultimate gaming masterpieces", I'm sure you won't enjoy 2.
If you just like action RPGs and are open to many different games like me (pic very related) then you can't go wrong with 2.
Everyone who actually likes DS1 likes DS2. Only pretenders who never beat 1 act like they hate 2.
Nothing about them is unfair. They're fun. Only turboshitters whine about das2. It's the best one.
>Unfinished graphics
>floaty movement
>Repeated bosses
>Busted multi-player matching mechanics
>unrealistic world missing the charm of the 1st game
Wow literally every single thing you listed applies to Das1 moreso.
Watch Matosis's video on it. He details all the problems with it.
Imagine letting other people, let alone youtubers, think for you.
lol poopie funnie
seems like one of those games where the critiques make good points but the good still outweighs the bad so it's worth playing if you're a true souls fan
am i right or am i wrong?
Definitely play it yourself. It's the best game in the series.
For me the bad outweighs the good, but still play for yourself.
Not a single one of his "criticisms" are valid in any way. He's full of shit and so is anyone who listens to his bullshit.
ds2 was rushed to the point that whole areas connect that shouldn't, and they had to gut the original lightning from the trailers/demo so the game looks abnormally bad in comparison to the other games.
like its literally unfinished and feels that way.
It's an ok game, just not a good Dark Souls game.
It was made by the B-Team, while the A-Team was busy with Bloodborne. The world doesn't feel as cohesive as Dark Souls 1+3. The boss design isn't as varied. People didn't like the hub area because it not as Dark as the name would suggest. There's only 1 zone that made me awe visually. Overall, it's ok.
It wasn't exactly rushed, per se, but it got BIOSHOCKED.COM and they restarted development without delaying.
>There's only 1 zone that made me awe visually
Which was it? Shrine of Amana for me.
I kept dropping it until last year when I finally managed a full playthrough of SotFS with all DLC. Honestly I think I enjoy it more than DaS1.
No, you definitely don't. The hell are you on about?
Its my favorite in the series. Weirdly enough the series reminds me of Silent Hill because 2 is just sort out there doing its own thing, meanwhile 3 is just a big "Hey remember that thing from part 1?" fest
Everything that lives on earth poos in some way
And that's how the cycle happens each and every day.
Just look at the green green grass and the birds up in the sky!
It's all here because of poo and now I'll tell you why
It's a perfectly good game but it was made by a different team to DS1 & 3, so like a placebo effect people think it's bad. If people didn't know that, they'd be kissing it's ass like every other From game
It got 2 playthroughs out of me, but I cant even make it halfway before dropping it now. I can still replay 1 and 3 to this day. It's worth playing if you liked the others, but I really do not understand how someone can unironically think it's the best of the series.
I didn't know it was made by anyone else until after the fact.
I had to do this with Dead rising 2 off the record and instantly refunded it.
how the hell do you make a console port of a game and not even have controller support for it?
Near the end, the moment you enter the Castle (forgot the name). Amana was cool too visually, but gameplay-wise a fucking nightmare.
I like it, it's a really fun game. It tried to do some new things with the Soul formula; some things worked and others didn't. The game was feature complete from beginning to end and didn't have a massive drop in quality like with the original Dark Souls where covenants straight up didn't work and the last third of the game is shit, its DLCs were solid, and it didn't have a poison swamp. Game looks like shit, though I don't really care about grafics.
I'll take DSII a thousand times over Dark Souls 3, which is just Dark Souls 1 but slightly worse in every single way.
post your screenshot
Truth is for most people it's just too different to DS1 and DS3. They made good and bad changes and too few of the good were kept for DS3.
It's the least "Dark Souls" out of the series but it's actually really good.
Dark Souls III isn't "just so good", it's barely better than Dark Souls II as it only really has PhyreEngine controls and quality of life improvements over OG Dark Souls on its side.
Dark Souls III really only improves combat over the Souls series, but Bloodborne did most things better over III.