Anyone else think this game is getting way more hate than it deserves? I've been having a great time with it...

Anyone else think this game is getting way more hate than it deserves? I've been having a great time with it, would even say I've been pretty hooked on it. Most of my expectations were either met or exceeded with what they delivered. Probably helped that I didn't have any outlandish expectations because I've already been tempered by other launches for open world RPGs, like the ones Bethesda puts out as an example.

The game does have it's share of bugs but none of them have been game breaking for me and in the 54.5 hours I have logged on it the game has not crashed once nor have I had to go back to an older save due to any bugs.

Game is breathtakingly beautiful and it's really nice that the game lets you make actually attractive characters from the go without needing any mods. In general it reminds me a lot of other games I really enjoyed. For some reason I get really strong VtmB vibes from it (albeit, the roleplaying dialogue options aren't quite as extensive) though I'd like for CDPR to not suffer the same fate as Troika did, though thankfully I don't think they will.

I'm really excited to see what they do with updates and patching the game given how much I already like it. Feels a bit weird seeing all this outrage and negativity and criticism about the game. I sometimes feel like I must be playing a different game or something.

Is all the salt coming from people with consoles and toasters or something?

Attached: 2020-12-15_21-48-51-804.png (1920x1080, 2.98M)

Hate comes from the overhype.

It's just normies experiencing their first eastern european game launch after years of guzzling Witcher 3 circlejerk cum.

>Anyone else think this game is getting way more hate than it deserves?
not at all

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user. I'm not a rich man. When I spend money on a game I expect it to work.
I get blue screened on PS4 constantly. When I say unplayable I don't mean it's shit. I mean it's unplayable.
And if that wasn't bad enough, both Sony and CD projekt red are Jewing me out of a refund contrary to my countries laws.
When I say that I hope the children of the makers of this abomination die slowly of terminal ass cancer while there parents wipe their eyes with stolen zloty monopoly money, it's mainly because of trolls like yourself pouring petrol on this dumpster fire. Have a (you).

Why do people overhype things for themselves? I feel like only kids or dumb people do that.

Dumb bugs like that don't really warrant the level of hate the game is getting imo

Stuff like that is amusing and makes for funny situations which is entertainment in itself. I can only see this sort of thing making someone mad if they are trying to use video games to escape from their life and expect this to simulate another real world or life for them.

>When I say that I hope the children of the makers of this abomination die slowly of terminal ass cancer while there parents wipe their eyes with stolen zloty monopoly money, it's mainly because of trolls like yourself pouring petrol on this dumpster fire. Have a (you).
That's a bit extreme. Yeah it's not okay that the game is unplayable but saying something like this makes you seem like you deserve what happened to you. Way too much hate and negativity.

They should offer some reimbursement or compensation for the people who bought the game on console and can't play it but I don't feel sorry for people who are saying things like what you said.

I thought the whole reason you bought a console was to get fucked in the ass Which is why you pay a monthly fee for peer 2 peer online over wifi for $60 AAA games released in beta state along with day 1 launch horse armor DLC.

Toughen buttercup, it's a big, nasty, world out there and your all alone.
And believe it or not bad things happen to good people and vice versa.
If words on an internet basket weaving forum are upsetting you, just wait until your mum dies in her sleep unless you reply to this post.

I agree. I got basically what I was expecting.