Be me

>be me
>cycling through a bunch of recent releases
>getting bored 30-60m into each one
>reinstall pic related
>suddenly I'm having loads of fun
>no le movie game, no deep character customisation, just great gameplay across linear levels
>combat better than literally all modern gaming, can be a simple button masher or can use powers to supplement lightsaber, basically simple or complicated, up to you
omg bros how did no other devs learn from this game

Other old games that are literally better than anything current gen?

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Remember what you could have had. Remember what they took from you.

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Return to linear gaming

It is star wars kino user, better than KOTOR in my opinion. Sheer fun, what a game should be. We have definitely lost something since then. Return to horse

Reinstalling pic related. Thanks for reminding me of the Jedi Knight games, OP.

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I've never played the Kyle games. Are they as good as academy?

galactic battlegrounds for rts
kotor for rpg
battlefront 2 for multiplayer shooter
jedi knight 2/academy for single player action game

golden age of sw games

I actually never played Academy. Jedi Outcast starts as an FPS, and you get the lightsaber and the force powers after a couple of missions. It's a really good game.

True user

That said, I quite enjoyed the recent SW game with the ginger haired ugly dude that pretended to be dark souls meets SW. It wasn't as good as the old ones, the combat looks good but is actually quite simple. Still, it felt like a return to the golden age.

You should play academy. I can't compare it to outcast as I've never played that one but I love academy. You start out as a Jedi right from the get go btw, so lightsaber all the way