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i remember this game having a galactic conquest mode that was sort of free play and you'd choose to invade planets but then it didnt have it. i must have dreamde it

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It did have galactic conquest but it’s not quite as you’re remembering it

The older PS2 Battlefront 2 had that, it was fun AF
Could make fleets and move them around and shieett

it does tho

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previous bread
>ywn install 5gb through 4 cds ever again
why live?

i laso remember being able to tell ai soldiers to swad with you and you could have up to 3 body guards.
i also remember being able to go prone but all i could do was kneel
i feel like a schizo

that's the original battlefront

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Why did people hate Cal? Not only was Fallen Order a great game, but I really enjoyed Cal as a character. He’s one of my favorite “canon” Jedi.

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Just like the simulations

Gen 1 helmets or Gen 2?

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Reminder that George donated the 4 billion pretty much instantly.

>tfw never managed to get a single win with the Empire on Endor


Why is this? There are some maps that I swear are fucking hardcoded for one side or the other

people automatically hate anything canon, just like what you like

Phase 1 helmets. More SOUL

I was never able to win Geonosis as Republic until I realized you need to man the walker yourself because the AI won’t actually take out any of the spiders or hellfires and they’ll run all over you

>Galactic Marines
>best aesthetic among all clones
>brutal as fuck commander
>little to no representation in all of star wars media
fuck this gay earth.

I agree. I thought he was going to be annoying and/or bland as fuck before I played, but he actually ended up being very likable.

Rebels get help from those little faggot ass Ewoks and it doesn't count to their total size. So they can have like 16 soldiers and 5 Ewoks running around. Empire only got a couple light vehicles.

He's generic

>tfw I got the R A R E evil hero victory on Mos Eisley
I felt like the supreme gamer in that moment. Sweating Mountain Dew and insultiing women and minorities by simply existing.

People got spoiled playing edgy OCs and powerful characters that are the chosen one. So when people started playing Cal, they expected a power fantasy despite the fact that his jedi training ended prematurely.

How did they manage to pack so much soul into one game? I must have dumped a few thousand hours into this. Imagine, a star wars game with land and space battles, a campaign mode, a story mode, the ability to go on galactic conquests and skirmish on every planet you can find - all immediately from launching the game. What a time, man.

It was the ultimate SW game. And we got two of them

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How so? His story arc is pretty enjoyable.

Even on maps where there aren't (more) NPCs some sides just seem like they always win. Like the jedi library

>Cal is such a bland character ugh like he’s just so weak

Battlefront 1 was kino but didn’t have heroes

i hate starkiller, gary stu ass oc beat up darth vader and fucking moved a star destroyer

what a retarded comparison, this is your average fallen order fan everybody.

Same reason people hate Kylo Ren despite being the one genuinely good character to come from the sequels. It’s Disney, and Disney Bad.

rebels and droids are just more op than empire and clones. droidicas destroy ai clones and im not sure why empire sucks compared to rebels

Favorite maps?
I loved Mustafar from 2. Solid chokepoints but enough routes to avoid stalemates.

My point was that people say Cal is a bland boring character but then are blinded by their rose-tinted goggles so badly they cream their pants at the sight of Starkiller, one of the worst SW characters ever written.

A fellow Kylo Ren chad

>genuinely good character
He acts like a 13 year old most of the time and looks lame as hell

Hoth. Always Hoth.

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>It’s Disney, and Disney Bad.
I unashamedly support this statement. Give me back the badass EU. The only good thing to come of this is the retcon of the Yongvong of whatever the fuck those gross edgelord extragalactic aliens were called.

You are thinking of features in battlefront 1 but are playing battlefront 2 retard

He was well-acted but his character was bullshit.
>Luke really spooked me once, guess I'll ally with the ultimate evil.

His uncontrollable rage is an interesting departure from literally every other Sith who’s the same exact cookie-cutter “dark, stoic, cold and calculating” template. It’s also due to deeply-repressed inner conflict, a key part of his story arc.
>looks lame as hell
His outfit, or Adam Driver? His outfit is cool. Adam Driver is goofy looking but his 10/10 performance sells it.

I wish I could play this in co-op, would be fun as fuck

The EU was great, but not EVERYTHING from Disney is shit. Rogue One was decent. Kylo Ren is a good character. Mandalorian is the best piece of Star Wars media in a decade. There’s also Clone Wars S7 and Rebels.

Just because Solo, TLJ and RoS were hot garbage doesn’t mean everything from Disney is bad.

Yeah his whole character screams "conflict", its interesting to see a dark sider user so vulnerable

He was already a dark side user and was already with Snoke when Luke "spooked him"

It’s not just his distrust of Luke and the Jedi, but the fact that his grandfather was one of the most powerful Sith to ever live. That can sure as shit cause a lot of identity issues and inner conflict.

I do like the concept of the "conflict" in his character but the execution is just poor. His character design is pretty good and he was hyped up to be nu-vader but when he does the face reveal and you see Adam Driver it's just underwhelming. Also his saber looks lame

>Rogue One was decent
I'm having a hard time taking the rest of your recommendations seriously. It had more plot holes than the main six combined.

For me it's Bespin, a shame it wasn't in 2

I said “decent”, not even “good”. It’s still an enjoyable film, not utterly pozzed like the ST, and focuses on normal non-space wizard characters which is always refreshing.

It was DLC on Xbox. If you have the game on Xbox One all the DLC is included, or if you’re on PC you can just mod it in.