This game is the New Vegas 2 that The Outer Worlds was supposed to be

This game is the New Vegas 2 that The Outer Worlds was supposed to be.

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Lol how so? Your choices mean fucking nothing.

It’s okay right now. I think it has potential to be great if they do a definitive edition with DLC in a year.

Not even close user. Legitimately, Fallout 4 is better.

Zig Forums is going to be sucking this game's dick in 5 years. it happens with every big game release. screencap this.

I fucking wish it was, its all I asked for it.

What fucking AAA rpg we even have on the wait list now? Even Masquerade 2 its dead before launch

Don't bother with Bloodlines II, that game is probably going to get a cancellation annoucement any day now with how fucked up the production on that is.

people here don't even suck TW3's dick and everyone on earth agrees TW3 is leagues better

>every big release
But for the most part it makes sense. 5 years is long enough for some dumb 13 year old that doesn't know anybetter to play it then be old enough to post here.

No, this is a linear story game with the illusion of choice. Looks very nice though, the art direction is the only thing it has going for it.