Cyberpunk Girlfriend Collection

UPDATE: I just realized that you can put bodies in your car and drive them home. This is significantly easier than manually carrying them back to your apartment.
Also, I've found a third girl who persists over time, and I still haven't found the pattern for how and why.
Anyway, here's my collection so far.

Attached: kochfriends2.png (1920x1080, 3.36M)

Based necrophiliac

thats what you usually do in your free time?

Reported this thread to CDPR. We dont want sick incels like you playing this game.

That's rude, I took them down non-lethally.

nice, one for every weekday.

It's their fault. This all started because the quest involving the left-most NPC woman bugged out and I was left with a comatose woman.

Thats rape man.

Wow, thank you cyberpunk girlfriend collector. Please continue to update us as your collection grows.

You can do that? Time to download this game then.