Death Stranding

So why do people call this game a walking simulator again? So far it's been nothing like Gone Home or Journey or shitty sidescroller indieshit like oxenfree and the like.
There's actual goddamn GAMEPLAY and it's FUN.
No idea where the fuck the story is supposed to be heading though.

Attached: DS.jpg (1600x1000, 399.07K)

It's a joke because Zig Forums loved to throw around the term walking simulator and when DS's gameplay was revealed it appeared to be a literal simulation of walking.

The only people who called it that were seething Xbox cucks.

Fuck haven’t played it yet but I have the disc. Fear of starting up a playthrough because a ps5 upgrade could release and I’d rather experience a better product. Guess i’ll continue holding out and play other games in the meantime. I’m so ready though.

I know this sounds like a troll but I legit feel sorry for people who cannot appreciate Death Stranding's gameplay

Why? I don't give a shit if some teenager has a bad attention span or if some 20 something retard has ADHD

Despite having way less options I feel like somehow infiltrating Mule camps in DS usually leads to way more entertaining chaos than infiltrating in MGS5 did.

the gameplay looks like a bad generic third person shooter.

now this is a contrarian post if I've ever seen one. there's way less that you can do and way less that could happen and infiltrating isn't really encouraged by the game since whatever you get from the camps isn't worth as much as ignoring them and making deliveries as usual.

>infiltrating isn't really encouraged by the game

There are a ton of missions that literally ask you to retrieve something from a mule camp