Has Zig Forums legitimately influenced the industry in any way other than garbage like Yandere Sim? What would happen to vidya if Zig Forums or Zig Forums as a whole disappeared tomorrow?
Has Zig Forums legitimately influenced the industry in any way other than garbage like Yandere Sim...
Dinosaurs in Battlefield.
No, Zig Forums does not have any influence on the industry
literally the best selling videogame ever made
Industry has to be at least a little bit different without the constant leaks that devs post in here.
wasn't there a game that literally just had 'Zig Forums - Video Games' somewhere on a wall or newspaper or something
I think that was Deus Ex HR. Can’t find it atm but the game also had this guy in it.
Nothing would change
We gave feedback on Minecraft when Notch used to post here.
>Has Zig Forums legitimately influenced the industry
For american industry, yes. You can regard every game made after 2003, the creation of Zig Forums.
A lot of videogame enterprises employees come to Zig Forums all the time to ask about the games they are making or made.
Only a fool would say that.
>What would happen to vidya if Zig Forums or Zig Forums as a whole disappeared tomorrow?
Literally nothing will happen. Zilch, none, nada.
>Has Zig Forums legitimately influenced the industry in any way
No. 4china has occasionally influenced shit but this is one of the most worthless bits of it. Papercraft and origami has had more influence on the world than /v
Let me elaborate virtually every genre and form of game /v fawns over was created before the internet took off (for the vast majority 1994ish onwards). QED /v had no notable impact on it.
It's not like Zig Forums pretends they were influential in shaping the industry or anything even remotely along those lines
t. author of 'hit' games in 1982 and many many pieces of SW and networking technologies you all have used. The modern games industry is a disguising sewer of rehash and talentless fau creative types and mangled identity politics
I fucking forgot about that
True. Anyhow the days of seeing if you could make something with a k, 16, 64, 128K are long gone as is the thrill of hooking up Kensington joysticks or other IO devices or even the early days of openlg or directx
Imagine how good the vidya industry would be if Twitter and Facebook dissappear tomorrow
No site on the internet influences anything related to videogames. Vocal minorities aren't majorities and companies only manipulates to use whatever is conveniently useful.
reddit has the biggest impact on gaming
The modern videogame 'industry' is a colossal tide of people who can't program, never could program rebirthing the same tied old shit while wading neck deep in their own vomit about being creative. Its an industry equivalent of hollywood, but a hollywood continually doing live action simpsons movies directed by people with piercings who use the same ten actors repeatedly
Gaming was already a stagnant money cow by the time reddit came into existence
>Following herd behaviour and cocksucking central in a sanitized enviroment
>Biggest impact
A boiled potatoe against a wall would made more impact.
I know had an influence on borderlands and a few other games, they were even listed in the credits
~I'm talking about the Atari joystick adaptor boards sold by Kensington for 8 bit computers..